
Topic: Damage Control: Left Issues Slew of Statements After Police Killings (Read 1358 times)

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1000
The guy was crazy as fuck, he already killed his ex-girlfriend, he has nothing to do with the people who are legitimately protesting the clearly rampant police brutality in america.

So we should just continue to let the cops get away with killing innocent people on the streets with no protests because of one crazy guy?

The idea that the mayor somehow has blood on his hands just because he didn't condemn the protestors is fucking stupid

He was a crazy fucker, he woulda killed those cops regardless of what the mayor did or said.

Read the golf nuts toronto forum about the shooting..

Many people are okay with a cop killing their kid as he was "doing a bad deed" than sucking his dick to reward him.

People love being slaves.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal

Since last summer, a lie has overtaken significant parts of the country, resulting in growing mass hysteria. That lie holds that the police pose a mortal threat to black Americans—indeed that the police are the greatest threat facing black Americans today. Several subsidiary untruths buttress that central myth: that the criminal-justice system is biased against blacks; that the black underclass doesn’t exist; and that crime rates are comparable between blacks and whites—leaving disproportionate police action in minority neighborhoods unexplained without reference to racism. The poisonous effect of those lies has now manifested itself in the cold-blooded assassination of two NYPD officers.

The highest reaches of American society promulgated these untruths and participated in the mass hysteria. Following a grand jury’s decision not to indict a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer for fatally shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown in August (Brown had attacked the officer and tried to grab his gun), President Barack Obama announced that blacks were right to believe that the criminal-justice system was often stacked against them. Obama has travelled around the country since then buttressing that message. Eric Holder escalated a long running theme of his tenure as U.S. Attorney General—that the police routinely engaged in racial profiling and needed federal intervention to police properly.

University presidents rushed to show their fealty to the lie. Harvard’s Drew Gilpin Faust announced that “injustice [toward black lives] still thrives so many years after we hoped we could at last overcome the troubled legacy of race in America. . . . Harvard and . . . the nation have embraced [an] imperative to refuse silence, to reject injustice.” Smith College’s president abjectly flagellated herself for saying that “all lives matter,” instead of the current mantra, “black lives matter.” Her ignorant mistake, she confessed, draws attention away from “institutional violence against Black people.”

The New York Times ratcheted up its already stratospheric level of anti-cop polemics. In an editorial justifying the Ferguson riots, the Times claimed that “the killing of young black men by police is a common feature of African-American life and a source of dread for black parents from coast to coast.” Some facts: Police killings of blacks are an extremely rare feature of black life and are a minute fraction of black homicide deaths. The police could end all killings of civilians tomorrow and it would have no effect on the black homicide risk, which comes overwhelmingly from other blacks. In 2013, there were 6,261 black homicide victims in the U.S.—almost all killed by black civilians—resulting in a death risk in inner cities that is ten times higher for blacks than for whites. None of those killings triggered mass protests; they are deemed normal and beneath notice. The police, by contrast, according to published reports, kill roughly 200 blacks a year, most of them armed and dangerous, out of about 40 million police-civilian contacts a year. Blacks are in fact killed by police at a lower rate than their threat to officers would predict. In 2013, blacks made up 42 percent of all cop killers whose race was known, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the nation’s population. The percentage of black suspects killed by the police nationally is 29 percent lower than the percentage of blacks mortally threatening them.

There is huge unacknowledged support for the police in the inner city: “They’re due respect because they put their lives every day on the line to protect and serve. I hope they don’t back off from policing,” a woman told me on Thursday night, two nights before the assassination, on the street in Staten Island where Eric Garner was killed.

But among all the posturers, none was so preening as New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio. In advance of a trip to Washington for a White House summit on policing, he told the press that a “scourge” of killings by police is “based not just on decades, but centuries of racism.” De Blasio embroidered on that theme several days later, after a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict an officer for homicide in Garner’s death. (The 350-pound asthmatic Garner had resisted arrest for the crime of selling loose cigarettes; officers brought him to the ground, provoking a fatal heart attack.) “People are saying: ‘Black lives matter,’” de Blasio announced after the grand jury concluded. “It should be self-evident, but our history requires us to say ‘black lives matter.’ It was not years of racism that brought us to this day, or decades of racism, but centuries of racism.” De Blasio added that he worries “every night” about the “dangers [his biracial son Dante] may face” from “officers who are paid to protect him.”

The mayor’s irresponsible rhetoric was a violation of his role as the city’s leader and as its main exponent of the law. If he really believes that his son faces a significant risk from the police, he is ignorant of the realities of crime and policing in the city he was elected to lead. There is no New York City institution more dedicated to the proposition that “black lives matter” than the New York Police Department; thousands of black men are alive today who would have been killed years ago had data-driven policing not brought down the homicide levels of the early 1990s. The Garner death was a tragic aberration in a record of unparalleled restraint. The NYPD fatally shot eight individuals last year, six of them black, all posing a risk to the police, compared with scores of blacks killed by black civilians. But facts do not matter when crusading to bring justice to a city beset by “centuries of racism.”

New York police officers were rightly outraged at de Blasio’s calumny. The head of the officers union, Patrick Lynch, circulated a form allowing officers to request that the mayor not attend their funeral if they were killed in the line of duty—an understandable reaction to de Blasio’s insult. De Blasio responded primly on The View: “It’s divisive. It’s inappropriate,” he said. The city’s elites, from Cardinal Timothy Dolan on down, reprimanded the union. The New York Police Commissioner called the union letter “a step too far.”

Meanwhile, protests and riots against the police were gathering force across the country, all of them steeped in anti-cop vitriol and the ubiquitous lie that “black lives” don’t “matter.” “What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted participants in a New York anti-cop protest. Two public defenders from the Bronx participated in a rap video extolling cop killings. Few people in positions of authority objected to this dangerous hatred. The desire to show allegiance with allegedly oppressed blacks was too great. The thrill of righteousness was palpable among the media as it lovingly chronicled every protest and on the part of politicians and thought leaders who expressed solidarity with the cause. At another march across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a group of people tried to throw trash cans onto the heads of officers on the level below them; police attempts to arrest the assailants were fought off by other marchers.

The elite’s desperation to participate in what they hopefully viewed as their own modern-day civil rights crusade was patent in the sanctification of Michael Brown, the would-be cop killer. He was turned into a civil rights martyr. His violence toward Wilson, and the convenience store owner he had strong-armed, was wiped from the record. Protesters across the country chanted “hands up, don’t shoot” at anti-cop rallies, allegedly Brown’s final words before Wilson shot him. Never mind that the source of that alleged final utterance, Brown’s companion Dorian Johnson, was a proven liar. There is no reason to believe his claim regarding Brown’s final words.

Protesters’ willingness to overlook anti-cop homicidal intent surfaced again in St. Louis in November. A teen criminal who had shot at the police was killed by an officer in self-defense; he, too, joined the roster of heroic black victims of police racism. This sanctification of would-be black cop-killers would prove prophetic. The elites were playing with fire. It’s profoundly irresponsible to stoke hatred of the police, especially when the fuel used for doing so is a set of lies. Hatred of the police among blacks stems in part from police brutality during this country’s shameful era of Jim Crow-laws and widespread discrimination. But it is naïve not to recognize that criminal members of the black underclass despise the police because law enforcement interferes with their way of life. The elites are oblivious both to the extent of lawlessness in the black inner city and to its effect on attitudes toward the cops. Any expression of contempt for the police, in their view, must be a sincere expression of a wrong.

Cop-killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who assassinated NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Saturday, exemplified everything the elites have refused to recognize: he was a gun-toting criminal who was an eager consumer of the current frenzy of cop hatred. (Not that he paid close enough attention to the actual details of alleged cop malfeasance to spell Eric Garner’s name correctly.) His homicidal postings on Instagram—“I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today. They Take 1 of Ours . . . . .Let’s Take 2 of Theirs”—were indistinguishable from the hatred bouncing around the Internet and the protests and that few bothered to condemn. That vitriol continues after the assassination. Social media is filled with gloating at the officers’ deaths and praise for Brinsley: “That nigga that shot the cops is a legend,” reads a typical message. A student leader and a representative of the African and Afro-American studies department at Brandeis University tweeted that she has “no sympathy for the NYPD officers who were murdered today.”

The only good that can come out of this wrenching attack on civilization would be the delegitimation of the lie-based protest movement. Whether that will happen is uncertain. The New York Times has denounced as “inflammatory” the statement from the head of the officer’s union that there is “blood on the hands that starts on the steps of City Hall”—this from a paper that promotes the idea that police officers routinely kill blacks. The elites’ investment in black victimology is probably too great to hope for an injection of truth into the dangerously counterfactual discourse about race, crime, and policing.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Winning The Murdered NYPD Officers Blame Game Won’t Bring Peace

On Saturday, two NYPD officers were shot and killed as they sat in their marked police car on a street corner. Investigators say that Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were killed by a gunman named Ismaaiyl Brinsley. They report that he wanted to avenge the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, who died at the hands of police in recent months. Brinsley killed himself after the murders. Earlier in the day he had reportedly shot an ex-girlfriend in Maryland.

Protests across the country have erupted in response to the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown and the lack of indictments for the police involved in their deaths. While many protests have been completely peaceful, some included looting and riots and chants calling for dead cops. More recent protests have come under the umbrella of #BlackLivesMatter, as Garner, Brown and other men killed in high-profile shootings were black.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s comments after the Garner decision, which discussed how he has trained his bi-racial son to be careful in any interaction with a police officer, angered many cops. They said he’s been insufficiently supportive of the difficulties they face. After the murders of Liu and Ramos, NYPD officers turned their backs on de Blasio when he arrived for a press conference.

And as tense as relations are in New York, social media erupted with some supporters of police trying to pin blame for the murders on anti-cop rhetoric emanating from critics of police overreach. This in turn led to responses from others that this was no better than when major media elites blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabby Giffords in a mass shooting in Arizona a few years ago.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Flashback: TIME Warns Right-Wing “Extremist Militias” May Kill Cops, Ambush Them In Their Patrol Cars…

Time Magazine warned of a growing threat to cops nationwide in September 2010. The nationally renowned publication argued that sinister individuals would launch targeted attacks against police officers and even ambush them in their patrol cars.

Time alerted readers that these groups and individuals have a disturbing hatred of cops and that there was a real threat of “lone-wolf” attacks.

Who are these groups that present such a threat to police? Right-wing militias, according to Time.

In a lengthy six-page article entitled “The Secret World of Extremist Militias,” then-Time Contributing Editor-at-Large Barton Gellman made the case that America should be deeply worried about private citizens forming militias.

Key word: lone-wolf.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Key word: The bigger picture.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
I also think it was/is ridiculous to blame Palin for that (and I am far from being a fan of hers). 

The media blame game is usually fallacious as heck, regardless of which side is doing it. 

I agree but the genie is out of the bottle. If one side is OK doing it, the other side can too.

The irony is kind of amusing.  You are using the "Two Wrongs Make A Right" fallacy...

I can be done with this thread; carry on if you must...-thumbsup-

I never said it was right or good to do it. I am just saying if one camp (left) does it then it automatically gives the other camp (right) the right to do it too.

In other news...
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
I also think it was/is ridiculous to blame Palin for that (and I am far from being a fan of hers). 

The media blame game is usually fallacious as heck, regardless of which side is doing it. 

I agree but the genie is out of the bottle. If one side is OK doing it, the other side can too.

The irony is kind of amusing.  You are using the "Two Wrongs Make A Right" fallacy...

I can be done with this thread; carry on if you must...-thumbsup-
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

NAACP Leader: “It’s Not Fair” to Blame Top Democrats for Execution Murders of Two NYPD Officers (Video)

But it is when we do it to the Tea Party and conservatives...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
I also think it was/is ridiculous to blame Palin for that (and I am far from being a fan of hers). 

The media blame game is usually fallacious as heck, regardless of which side is doing it. 

I agree but the genie is out of the bottle. If one side is OK doing it, the other side can too.

hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
I also think it was/is ridiculous to blame Palin for that (and I am far from being a fan of hers). 

The media blame game is usually fallacious as heck, regardless of which side is doing it. 
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Setting aside for a second that it is ridiculous to blame the left for the acts of one man...

Are we going to forget that there is a legitimate history of white police officers targeting and killing Black Americans?  I don't condone the taking of any life or any violence - let's be clear on that - but I also do not think that blaming the left for inadequacies in a system that has produced a lack of transparency within the police system to such an extent that the United States, as the 'freest nation in the world', imprisons a disproportionate amount of the worlds population is the answer.

There is plenty of data on this topic.  There is also, of recent, plenty of video evidence to support the use of excessive force by police and there is also an inordinate amount of evidence regarding Police Union lobbying of Congress for laws that will perpetuate the imprisoning of American Citizens (mostly minorities) for victimless crimes.

Pretty much...stating that the left is responsible or insinuating they are is misrepresentative of what is a very real sociological issue and a perpetuation of partisan politics (which invariably is a perpetuation of the sociological conflict).

31 Jan 2013

I do.  At the time, no one was calling for a weapons ban, the Left and their media pals were calling for a Palin ban. 

Keith Olbermann went further and suggested Bill O’Reilly and conservative commentators were partly responsible. 

Before the identity of the shooter was known Paul Krugman was blaming the tea party movement. 

Media Matters for American made the case that Palin and other Fox News personalities were the root of the devastation that had been inflicted on the young congresswoman’s life. 

And yet, yesterday in the senate hearing on President Obama’s proposed “assault weapon” ban, Palin,O’Reilly, Breitbart, tea party and overall political rhetoric was not discussed at all.  Ms. Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly called for a weapons ban (even though the weapon used on Ms. Giffords would not be banned under the proposed legislation), a ban on high-capacity magazines (which was used in the shooting), and more extensive background checks (even though Jared Loughner cleared a background check before going on his sadistic rampage). 

So now, two years later, is the Left finally absolving Sarah Palin and the rest of us from the guilt they hurled at us at the time of the tragic shooting?  Of course not.  They have just found a new reason to exploit the horrible crime… and its victims.

The left seems less confortable using their own tactics on people they agree with. How surprising.

Key words to look for: lone wolf, does not represent us, never heard of him, the bigger picture, I hate the US and everything it represents by sharing my views on twitter via my iPhone on that free Wifi at starbucks , etc, etc...  Smiley

hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

He was a good boy.

Here is the deal. You cant fucking resist arrest if you do your fighting back and can be shot for attacking a cop. and it shouldn't be about race because plenty of white people have been killed by cops and haven't been armed so don't start with that race card bullshit.

There's actually no evidence that he was resisting arrest (if there is than present it before you continue.  I mean actual evidence aside from witness account which I will show to be inadequate in a second).  But there is plenty of evidence that the Grand Jury was manipulated...

The Prosecutor even admitted that he allowed a known liar to testify...

Witness 40 obfuscated the evidence presented to the Grand Jury...which indicates that there was a biased effort to ensure a non indictment...

Your quoted assertion doesn't hold any weight.


Where are his riots where are people looting stealing for him?

On the same page, we can ask why snipers pointing weapons at federal weapons at federal agents weren't demonized for breaking the law.  Or a whole slew of other examples.

full member
Activity: 226
Merit: 100
The guy was crazy as fuck, he already killed his ex-girlfriend, he has nothing to do with the people who are legitimately protesting the clearly rampant police brutality in america.

So we should just continue to let the cops get away with killing innocent people on the streets with no protests because of one crazy guy?

The idea that the mayor somehow has blood on his hands just because he didn't condemn the protestors is fucking stupid

He was a crazy fucker, he woulda killed those cops regardless of what the mayor did or said.

"Legitimately protesting" you sir have no fucking clue what your "Freedom fighters" stand for.

People are tired of unwarranted police brutality. People are tired of cops acting like they are paramilitary brigades.

As long as the police continue to remain out of control these protests will continue.

Just because this crazy fuck did what he did doesn't mean the primary issues aren't still there  Roll Eyes

I am fully against the police state, BUT I am against everything being a race issue when it doesn't need to be.
full member
Activity: 226
Merit: 100
Setting aside for a second that it is ridiculous to blame the left for the acts of one man...

Are we going to forget that there is a legitimate history of white police officers targeting and killing Black Americans?  I don't condone the taking of any life or any violence - let's be clear on that - but I also do not think that blaming the left for inadequacies in a system that has produced a lack of transparency within the police system to such an extent that the United States, as the 'freest nation in the world', imprisons a disproportionate amount of the worlds population is the answer.

There is plenty of data on this topic.  There is also, of recent, plenty of video evidence to support the use of excessive force by police and there is also an inordinate amount of evidence regarding Police Union lobbying of Congress for laws that will perpetuate the imprisoning of American Citizens (mostly minorities) for victimless crimes.

Pretty much...stating that the left is responsible or insinuating they are is misrepresentative of what is a very real sociological issue and a perpetuation of partisan politics (which invariably is a perpetuation of the sociological conflict).

He was a good boy.

Here is the deal. You cant fucking resist arrest if you do your fighting back and can be shot for attacking a cop. and it shouldn't be about race because plenty of white people have been killed by cops and haven't been armed so don't start with that race card bullshit.

Where are his riots where are people looting stealing for him?
Activity: 992
Merit: 1000
The guy was crazy as fuck, he already killed his ex-girlfriend, he has nothing to do with the people who are legitimately protesting the clearly rampant police brutality in america.

So we should just continue to let the cops get away with killing innocent people on the streets with no protests because of one crazy guy?

The idea that the mayor somehow has blood on his hands just because he didn't condemn the protestors is fucking stupid

He was a crazy fucker, he woulda killed those cops regardless of what the mayor did or said.

"Legitimately protesting" you sir have no fucking clue what your "Freedom fighters" stand for.

People are tired of unwarranted police brutality. People are tired of cops acting like they are paramilitary brigades.

As long as the police continue to remain out of control these protests will continue.

Just because this crazy fuck did what he did doesn't mean the primary issues aren't still there  Roll Eyes
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
Setting aside for a second that it is ridiculous to blame the left for the acts of one man...

Are we going to forget that there is a legitimate history of white police officers targeting and killing Black Americans?  I don't condone the taking of any life or any violence - let's be clear on that - but I also do not think that blaming the left for inadequacies in a system that has produced a lack of transparency within the police system to such an extent that the United States, as the 'freest nation in the world', imprisons a disproportionate amount of the worlds population is the answer.

There is plenty of data on this topic.  There is also, of recent, plenty of video evidence to support the use of excessive force by police and there is also an inordinate amount of evidence regarding Police Union lobbying of Congress for laws that will perpetuate the imprisoning of American Citizens (mostly minorities) for victimless crimes.

Pretty much...stating that the left is responsible or insinuating they are is misrepresentative of what is a very real sociological issue and a perpetuation of partisan politics (which invariably is a perpetuation of the sociological conflict).
full member
Activity: 226
Merit: 100
The guy was crazy as fuck, he already killed his ex-girlfriend, he has nothing to do with the people who are legitimately protesting the clearly rampant police brutality in america.

So we should just continue to let the cops get away with killing innocent people on the streets with no protests because of one crazy guy?

The idea that the mayor somehow has blood on his hands just because he didn't condemn the protestors is fucking stupid

He was a crazy fucker, he woulda killed those cops regardless of what the mayor did or said.

"Legitimately protesting" you sir have no fucking clue what your "Freedom fighters" stand for.
Activity: 992
Merit: 1000
Just because he marched in the protests doesn't mean squat. He was insane. Anyone can march in a protest. Undercover cops do it all the time when they attempt to incite a riot so the cops can crack down.

It's extremely unfortunate what he did, but the guy was clearly batshit, that doesn't mean the average protestor wants to kill cops.

The trend in america is clear, and it is that police brutality is perfectly acceptable and that cops will rarely if ever be held accountable for their actions. This has not changed. Therefore people should continue to protest.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
The guy was crazy as fuck, he already killed his ex-girlfriend, he has nothing to do with the people who are legitimately protesting the clearly rampant police brutality in america.

So we should just continue to let the cops get away with killing innocent people on the streets with no protests because of one crazy guy?

The idea that the mayor somehow has blood on his hands just because he didn't condemn the protestors is fucking stupid

He was a crazy fucker, he woulda killed those cops regardless of what the mayor did or said.

Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley WAS A Garner/Ferguson Protester

One of Brinsley’s friends, Awk Smith, spoke to in Brooklyn – feet away from the crime scene – to describe how Brinsley had been ‘acting strange’ in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury trial.

Father-of-six Garner was killed by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who arrested him for selling loose cigarettes on the street, then held him in a fatal chokehold

The killing provoked global outrage, sparked violent protests across the US, and exposed severe racial divisions in New York City.

Mr Smith, who was a member of rap outfit P.Y. Gang with Brinsley, described their recent practises: ‘We all noticed he was acting strange… different, it was kind of like he wasn’t there when you spoke to him. He wasn’t saying very much and he wasn’t performing. He had a different kind of passion.’

Another member of the group, Paul Yawney, said Brinsley took part in the recent anti-police protests.

Yawney said: ‘He posted motivational stuff on Instagram and went to the protests. I think this really came as a shock to a lot of us. He shot his girlfriend this morning then went to shoot those cops. It’s scary to think that’s what he was thinking.’

Activity: 992
Merit: 1000
The guy was crazy as fuck, he already killed his ex-girlfriend, he has nothing to do with the people who are legitimately protesting the clearly rampant police brutality in america.

So we should just continue to let the cops get away with killing innocent people on the streets with no protests because of one crazy guy?

The idea that the mayor somehow has blood on his hands just because he didn't condemn the protestors is fucking stupid

He was a crazy fucker, he woulda killed those cops regardless of what the mayor did or said.
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