I think most of small crypto users like me just use web wallet to hold crypto-currency. Because we have lack of technical knowledge about bitcoin technology. And as a result most of us don't bother to use wallet software like Bitcoin core or Electrum.
I will describe today one of most dangerous disadvantage of web wallet which have a painful example.
Usually most of us just limited on few boards and don't bother to read even some important board. That's why I am bothering to create a awareness about that disadvantages. So, please take a look on
this thread first and read how OP lost 32 bitcoin at once.
If you already read that above thread, I believe you got the point how OP lost his 32 bitcoin. For simple explanation, this user sent fund to a investment platform from coinabse. He used coinbase to buy and sent bitcoin. Usually all web wallet hold their fund to hot wallet and cold wallet. All the transaction will be made from hot wallet. So when OP sent fund, then coinbase sent fund from their hot wallet. Just imagine, they sent fund from xxx address which is belongs to hot wallet of coinbase, and fund sent to yyy address which is belongs to investment platform. So transaction being confirmed and OP has credited fund to his investment platform.
Somehow OP were not agree to terms and conditions of investment platform and that platform sent fund back to source account (xxx address ). In a result fund directly entered on hot wallet of counabse which is cause op wallet doesn't show 32 bitcoin. Because address were not belongs to OP, it was belongs to coinbase hot wallet.
I have only 1% hope that OP would recover his fund. Only one hope is sent address and receive address were same from both end on both transaction.
Whoever made mistakes but OP has lost fund. Do you believe that kind of amount should hold on coinbase and make transaction of 32 btc a once. If OP were use coinbase just buy bitcoin and use own address which he have private key then he won't lost fund like this way.
Coinbase create a unique receiving address for us and only that address use for receive fund. We can't sent fund from that address because after receive fund on this address automatically will sent and spent to coinbase hot wallet.
So be careful when you are dealing with big amount on web wallet. Use your address which have control private keys. Otherwise fund isn't control by you. Especially if you are dealing with third party like investment platforms or marketplace just your own address to send fund.