What you can't seem to fathom is that I cannot pay him money I don't own vod. I don't think you realize, maybe you do, but I'm about to be homeless.
Just more continued bullshit from you. You obviously had money to buy yourself your guitar equipment. You obviously had money to buy yourself drugs. You don't pay squall back because you are selfish and greedy.
See, I don't need a wall of text to prove what type of person you are. I just need the facts.
I received a loan for the equipment from someone who has faith in me. It was not near enough to pay the loan off.
You distort the facts to fit your negative life view vod. You're a blatant shill.
I want to form a world based off love and sharing and I'm selfish and greedy. Okay vod.
Your current situation is of your own making, I warned you a long time ago that you could not keep using your "bank" as payday loans, that paying other people interest for the privilege of borrowing money from them for drugs and toys was not sustainable, that using new deposits to pay debts is a ponzi, etc etc. You are a scammer, you have extremely poor judgement, and nobody should ever be involved with anything you've even touched.
To everyone else, read this thread (
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/the-explanation-to-everything-135299) to see the mental gymnastics dank will go through to justify his theft.
Comments regarding his loans.
I will pay everyone back with love...
As you've found out, love doesn't pay the bills, welcome to the adult world.
Judge me as you wish, most of the US adult population is forever indebted, until we forgive eachother for our debts and mistakes, and leave our system of greed for a system of sharing.
Guys let's all share, even though I have nothing to contribute. Gimme gimme!
Buffer, I have no money to pay, I gave it all away to people who want it more than me.
Worm, I respect squall to the fullest, I'm not justifying my opinion that money is worthless based on my debt to squall. I'm basing my opinion that money is worthless based on the fact that money holds no intrinsic value. I only recently discovered the full extent to which our currency and economy is fabricated.
This is beyond money, I know the answer to eternal life, we all do, it's love. Isn't that what society should be moving towards, not astray?
Karma will always exist because nature always exists. Everything exists everywhere, the universe is infinite, consciousness is infinite.
Money has no value, so don't trust him with anything money related, he will screw you over.
His past is full of excuses, born of delusions that cause him to completely fail in morals and ethics.