All the Nazis I know heart Monero. What's your point? You usually have one. (Waiting...)
Nice Godwin. I wonder why you want this thread derailed into nonsense about a different coin and WW2.
My point is the Dash community is more concerned about their butthurt over Peter Todd tweets than their platform being used for evil.
At the very least, they could:
A. Not pretend "it's a fake story because someone wants cheap coins." We saw how that head-in-the-sand approach worked for the Catholics...
B. Consider technical countermeasures, which although difficult if Dash worked as described might be aided by its centralized aspects and shoddy cargo cargo's bamboo imitations of genuine crypto.
C. Consider social countermeasures, for the sake of their coin's snakeoil reputation and to counteract the harm done to kids.
D. Start a fundraiser and direct some % of Masternode payments to a charity that helps victims.