How to treat?
It really can only be a case of carrying on with the diagnostics. You can't treat something if you don't know what it is.
If you can't test for Candida, at the very least get cholesterol and testosterone bloods done. This is often a cheap indicator in respect of mold toxicity (and Lyme disease) and in any event should be a handy bit of evidence in a general sense.
Another cheap and easy test is C-Reactive protein which is a general inflammatory marker.
Also, AmericanPegasus's advice of getting away for a few months is right on the money - definitely something you should consider if you're able to. You might find that everything falls into place once you get out of your current working/living environment.
In the meantime though definitely get cholesterol and testosterone checked if you're able to.
Thanks. I
changed my working environment to open air with a newly installed ceiling fan.
Sorry for the noise in this thread. I will get more tests.
I am not hypochondriac, as these are real debilitating effects (or at least have been ... see recent changes). Throughout my life I would say nothing and just fight my way through ailments.
But again how to treat the candida/mold? I guess diet and change of venue? I had told my gf, I really should relocate to a colder, drier climate. But I don't think I can afford to relocate to Australia right now for a vacation (but I will check into it). The other problem is my gf can't get a visa to go with me.
Also it is very expensive to eat in Australia. I remember the prices are very high there, even much higher than the USA. I could return to the USA, but again a major financial dislocation as there are no relatives that will offer me a place to stay (not even my mother). Also my car and my current set up (computers, etc) are all here where I am. Very disruptive.
Going to Australia for medical tests/treatment may be plausible given kennyP's suggestion. But as far as ongoing treatment and staying there, that is less plausible at this juncture. But maybe even just getting away from a while might be helpful (and get some more medical tests), but I only have about $15,000 and then I am completely bankrupted. So I am in a very precarious financial state. Best would be to work and produce first, but that is what I had been trying to do with very limited coding productivity/continuity due to the illness.
The radical change in diet that past few days (no rice at all!) is causing some changes, but I can't yet access if these changes are sufficient. I am now completely off the supplements and able to function the past few days just with diet. I am still waking up after only 5 hours of sleep, but now I eat oatmeal and bit of tuna and then I fall asleep again by 4am to fill out my 8 - 9 hours sleep. This has been the pattern the past 3 days. Also the discoloration at my abdomen has become intermittent and also the pain would come and go. Also yesterday for my gf's bday at the beach, I was acting more normally such as acting like a silly young guy dancing, doing pullups, and I even took at jog up the mountain on Samal island. But the stomach pain returned after the jog but then it faded then came back again when I was hungry and then faded again after the sashi dinner. We will start tuna + vegetable soups today. Want to get away from eating canned (or fried) tuna during the day. So what I am saying is several things have been changed, so I want to see first what is the result of these changes.
Note from Googling low testosterone I see that even plastic bottle and cans can leech BPA and other EAs into food and water causing estrogen effects. Given the chinese dominate the Philippines economy and given the shenanigans they've been known to do (such as fumigating rice that is rancid so they can sell it), and given I buy distilled water in plastic bottles, and given the rental home has fiberboard ceilings, etc... it is possible for some environmental factors. I am trying to switch my food to entirely farm fresh, no frying. And no rice, no bread. But the oatmeal has so much insoluble fiber, I need some source of more soluble fiber thus the fruit.
Note that the lymph nodes at my throat act as though I am sick and I get a drip into my throat when ever I am feeling some disseminated inflammatory response all over my body (effects such as numbed lower legs, slight ache at the back of my head).