Bosack claims that they have filed a police report but refuses to give any details. There is no reason for this unless he is lying as I see it. That he would lie about it is, to me, extremely compelling evidence that this is a complete sham.
This means, to me, that they not only have all the coins but also that they could open Instwallet safely and let users reclaim their funds.
I have started the process of moving the ball forward here, and I don't intend to cease until and unless
everyone gets their 100% funds back by next Monday(*). Even if they do get their funds back but it takes longer, I still intend to pursue this matter until it is clear that it has pushed into the French court system(**). Where it goes from there I have less interest.
I am disappointed to report that I've got no bites yet on my request for and estimate of initial legal services: if that ends up not going anywhere I'll switch to more mainstream channels. If anyone knows a suitable candidate for provisioning this service I'd appreciate having them pointed in my direction.
* The Paymium scum is welcome to take the 20BTC from my account for their troubles. I suggest they do so and call it a win. I was fully aware of the risks and have nobody to blame but myself for the loss. I've PM'd them earlier so they know the one account from which theft is authorized.
** I have a short attention span so I cannot make any 100% promises, but as we used to say back in one of my earlier 'jobs': "ESSAYONS"