i wonder how this project will shed new light in crypto!?? the way they sell their mn is quite different. no fixed price.
with so many mn projects, im curious where will this end up to after couple of months...
make an offer, see if you get accepted to host a masternode!?
I joined this project at the start because I was always suspicious of masternode coins. I did a bit with Akroma, and that seems to be pretty stable as a MN coin. I ditched XDNA due to mining profits being only just break-even (too many masternodes - too cheap to obtain), So i'm giving Qbase the benefit of the doubt to see if it will surpass my expectations. Thing is, i'm a miner and I need to see profit from my mining endeavours, and with the high requirement of 10k qbase for a masternode, imho it shows the dev team are not actually looking for a 'quick' adoption of mass masternodes.
I like a coin with a long term plan, and this seems to be one.