Apparently Putin may have autism, regarding some new studies made on him.
[sarcasm] ...and those "studies" are completely impartial and have been done after hours of personal contact between Putin and some world-renouned psychologists?[/sarcasm]
I think not.
On the other hand, from 2000: I arrived in St.Petersburg. A Russian friend (a psychologist) since 1983 came for our usual visit. My first question was, "Lena what do you think about your new president?" She laughed and retorted, "Volodya! I went to school with him!" She began to describe Putin as a quiet youngster, poor, fond of martial arts, who stood up for kids being bullied on the playgrounds. She remembered him as a patriotic youth who applied for the KGB prematurely after graduating secondary school (they sent him away and told him to get an education). He went to law school, later reapplied and was accepted. I must have grimaced at this, because Lena said, "Sharon in those days we all admired the KGB and believed that those who worked there were patriots and were keeping the country safe. We thought it was natural for Volodya to choose this career. My next question was, "What do you think he will do with Yeltsin's criminals in the Kremlin?" Putting on her psychologist hat, she pondered and replied, "If left to his normal behaviors, he will watch them for a while to be sure what is going on, then he will throw up some flares to let them know that he is watching. If they don't respond, he will address them personally, then if the behaviors don't change–– some will be in prison in a couple of years." I congratulated her via email when her predictions began to show up in real time.
So why do our leaders and media demean and demonize Putin and Russia???
Like Lady MacBeth, do they protest too much?
Psychologists tell us that people (and countries?) project off on others what they don't want to face in themselves. Others carry our "shadow"when we refuse to own it. We confer on others the very traits that we are horrified to acknowledge in ourselves.
Could this be why we constantly find fault with Putin and Russia?
Could it be that we project on to Putin the sins of ourselves and our leaders?
Could it be that we condemn Russia's corruption, acting like the corruption within our corporate world doesn't exist?
Could it be that we condemn their human rights and LGBT issues, not facing the fact that we haven't solved our own?
Could it be that we accuse Russia of "reconstituting the USSR"––because of what we do to remain the world's "hegemon"?
Could it be that we project nationalist behaviors on Russia, because that is what we have become and we don't want to face it?
Could it be that we project warmongering off on Russia, because of what we have done over the past several administrations?