War is profitable for the state, war is needed for the economy. Why not fan the flame of war when you are the one directly making profits out of it?
USA realized that there is no enough places in the world where they could intervene anymore so why not keep already war torn countries burning?
I don't believe that combined forces of USA and Russia can't defeat ISIS in Syria, I don't believe that if they wanted they couldn't stop permanently some conflicts in Africa.
I understand this is a pretty popular view, but I suspect profits from war alone don't really justify the 'reputation risk' to the US for fanning the flames of war and conflict.
Again, I think the key is to understand the role of money and finance. The US elites really have no choice: the deceptive nature of their money and debt threatens a partial or total collapse of their system (and thus the loss of most of their power.) This threat may be small at any one time, but it grows and they can't afford to give it too much time.
This is most true at this stage, after two major bubble busts in the US itself, when confidence in their assets or in growth is no longer really there, but the elites have already issued so many assets that they really need confidence and growth to stabilize them.
War and conflict give them two benefits at once: their political and military superiority, as well as their control of the media, give them the upper hand come any conflict, so war and conflicts are good tools for putting pressure on regimes around the world to help support the dollar and related assets. At the same time, as we know, war and conflict tend to breed very bad actors, Nazis and Japanese militarists in the past, and terrorists and ISIS in our day. When things get really bad, the empire can finally regain their 'moral superiority' by leading the world in a crusade against the bad actors. At the end of the great conflict, they will have so much power over all countries that they will be able to remake the financial system (i.e. increase financial repression, in effect) and blame any changes on the great conflict. This was what happened at the end of World War II.
You notice I put 'moral' in quotes... That is because in order for their scheme to succeed, they must secretly nurture the bad actors into a strong force. If ordinary people suffer as a result, well, too bad. (We know for a fact, for example, that after 9/11 many high level leaks came from the US government that served no purpose besides helping al Qaeda, such as the fact that the US was able to track bin Laden's electronic communications -- causing him to stop using them quickly. These leaks are still not investigated.)