- Stop bitcoind.
- Configure it again to run /bin/true.
- Run bitcoind with strace, eg. 'strace -o mytrace -s 99 -ff bitcoind &'. This assumes you usually run bitcoind by simply typing 'bitcoind'. If you run it some other way (for example './bitcoind' or '/path/to/bitcoind', substitute the "bitcoind" at the end accordingly. You may have to install strace first.
- Wait for the next block. Find the error in the log.
- Stop bitcoind.
- Run bitcoind as usual (without strace) so you contribute to the network.
- Examine the mytrace.* files you'll find in the current directory. A quick way is 'grep -C 2 bin/true mytrace*'. Post your findings/the output of the grep.
bitcoin.conf debug.log mytrace.5729 mytrace.5741 mytrace.5746 mytrace.5751 peers.dat
debug.log.save mytrace.5730 mytrace.5742 mytrace.5747 mytrace.5752 tempcron
blocks debug.log.save.1 mytrace.5731 mytrace.5743 mytrace.5748 mytrace.5753
chainstate mytrace.5727 mytrace.5732 mytrace.5744 mytrace.5749 mytrace.5754
db.log mytrace.5728 mytrace.5733 mytrace.5745 mytrace.5750 mytrace.5773
$ grep -C 2 bin/true mytrace.*
mytrace.5773-rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
mytrace.5773-write(4, "2015-03-14 15:45:51 ", 20) = 20
mytrace.5773:write(4, "runCommand error: system(/bin/true) returned -1\n", 48) = 48
mytrace.5773-madvise(0x7fe25effe000, 8368128, MADV_DONTNEED) = 0
mytrace.5773-_exit(0) = ?
$ bitcoind -daemon
Bitcoin server starting
I am still running bitcoind version 0.9.0. Will this be a factor? Do I need to upgrade to 0.10.0?