indeed, it seems that the flaws presented above assume there is inevitable entropy towards an unregulated tragedy of the commons. I would argue, however, that due to the inherent value of the decentralized system (i.e., if it loses that property it loses that value), that those creating the system would modify their behavior. Indeed, this has occurred with that one pool backing off of 50% nethash, and in general this is the concept that the economic incentive of maintaining the value of the system functions as the regulating mechanism of the commons.
Note afaik it is not clear if didn't just break itself into multiple Sybil pools. The insoluble, inviolable mathematical fundamental remains that pools are concentrated control. And the political factions of Bitcoin rise up to keep the decentralization delusion alive so that we can delude ourselves more.
It is only necessary to maintain the
illusion of decentralization coupled with massive gold rush fever every 2 years or so with price bubbles, in order to keep alive this delusional concept that miners are aligned to permissionless commerce.
Miners are aligned to usury, government, and fulfilling Bitcoin's role of "
mining the investors" and fooling us all into wasting our scarce time on a flawed concept, when we should be trying to find a real solution for permissionless commerce before it is too late.
Don't you see how rapidly the world governance is coming into existence now? We have the UK now pushing to eliminate all encryption. We have China forcing everyone to join a social network for credit rating which forces people to banish those who do anything the Communist Party deems objectionable.
The miners can not fight this global trajectory and why should they? They piggyback on the trend of society and take their pay for being good servants to their bankster masters.
Afaics, the only paradigm that could fight this trajectory ('entropy' as you say) is a grassroots paradigm that disrupts the fundamental economic flaws in Bitcoin.
(granted, the network functioning in this fashion requires an awareness of the decentralized concept, so your argument of the dumb masses sort of wrecks this "solution". I mean, how would this manifest? If mining centralization caused a significant drop in value, who would actually connect the dots, and what would be done to fix it? Unknowns.)
Yep. But even the claimed political action of current Bitcoin community to reduce pool concentration is more of a masturbation to sustain our delusion. We didn't really accomplish anything in terms of the fundamental flaws and the economics that insure Bitcoin will end up centralized. I will explain below why your erroneous optimism is a delusion.
Hey due to the way you write I can detect you are smart, so this is not a personal attack on you. I have also allowed myself to be deluded at many times in my life. Let's try to be more frank and objective. We are men. That is our role. Don't let our emotional dreams impact our analysis. What is the factual truth here?
Granted, this is not a pure solution - as in, it relies on human behavior. But ultimately these all rely on human behavior at some point.
I will instead claim the outcome always relies on economics. Human behavior is actually a derived effect from economics. Economics of resources determines how human behavior adapts.
Cryptocurrencies have created an impressive gap between human behavior and the distribution, creation, and transaction of money - functions of value transfer systems that have heretofore been intricately coupled to human behavior. I would argue that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to create a gap between human behavior and the operation of the infrastructure that makes it possible.
It is the economics of how people derive their incomes and needs, that drives human behavior.
To get the sort of human behavior we want, then the humans need to find that permissionless commerce is buttering their bread but socialism is not. Refer to my prior post where I pointed out that if forking can viable, and masses discover those who are in permissionless commerce are earning more income than those in socialism, then suddenly they stop being dumb as shit. Animals are dumb as shit when they are fat and have all their needs met. I was pointing out to my gf and her sister how they have almost entirely forgotten how to carry a pail of water or produce anything on a farm, since they been living with me they can just play on facebook all day.
Ultimately someone needs to turn it on and plug it in (and learn a lot of linux).
Mining is not at all accessible to the masses, but that is a detail that can be addressed with web browser clients. The economics are the real fundamental.
Finally, this isn't to discourage your efforts to improve the technology.
Thanks. Well I am only going to continue if there can be a genuine significant paradigm shift improvement over what we currently have with Bitcoin. I am not into trying to fool anyone or hype something. I want a coin I can go promote to permissionless commerce and know all my marketing efforts won't be wasted when it breaks.
I am interested in the real fundamentals.
There are some very smart developers around here. They just need the right direction. But I must fight against the concept that Bitcoin is any where near good enough. (and for many reasons, not just permissionless End-to-End Principle failure, also include that instant transactions via Lightning Networks will hand the masses to the corporate oligarchy and other insoluble flaws)
The professional miners' are aligned to paying back the loans they incurred to buy mining farms. Frankly I think your post is delusional. Get a grip on economics. Usury (debt) enables the banksters to take entire control of the economics of mining and charge the costs to the collective.
I think the current manifestation of professional mining will evolve as bitcoin shifts to lower block rewards. We really have no idea what the next halving will bring, nor the next one. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of net hash gradually shifts back to the enthusiasts from the mining centers. The big corporate mining farms will shut down, the manufactures running these farms will liquidate their hardware, the hardware will flood the market and be distributed extensively.
Back to Economics 101. The marginal producers are the first to go. The block halving will hand a greater percentage of the hash rate to the hydropower mining farms (and Larry Summers' 21 Inc) whose costs are probably below $50 per
BTC. Bitcoin is designed to slowly transition to corporate control. Even Satoshi admitted that.
And those who think riding that trend is in their benefit, my thinking is they don't really have good foresight of where this shit is going to end up real bad for humanity real fast. We are talking about years, not decades.
And most BTC investors will end up losing, not gaining.
The banksters are cleverly mining all of us via their funding of the mining farms. We are just stupid cows.