Oh wow, you are thinking very ambitiously... sure, let's give it a go, See what we can do.
yeah, we'll see if we can get it in.... I actually have a NIMH grant due in february (that I should be working on nonstop until then) but whattaya gonna do. Gotta take a break somewhere.
I'll start up a list of available programs we can use to collaborate better, and we need people who are willing to invest their time, for possibly no immediate reward.
Cool. I think slack (
www.slack.com) is a good one. Github actually has some stuff built in.
I was thinking of channeling the Bitcoin's to the multiple Blockchains and just through the DAFNe, but how do we setup the incentives to protect the system?
so far we have incentives for the Miners to protect the system through fees, but still have to think of the Volunteers/Developers, Investors, and the nodes running full Clients. I am sure they would like to be supported by the system that they are helping.
Nodes running full clients - I think they will be incentivised because they are participating in the lending (for that version of it) - they are invested in a secure network because their $$$ is on the line. Also, a full node can also technically be a miner, so they'll get block rewards. Also (in the lending use of the protocol), they'll get dividends and interest.
Volunteers / developers / investors - I was thinking about this too - because this side chain / alt chain theory, with no immediate asset of its own, doesn't provide much incentive to develop. Thus, we could incorporate some time-limited percentage for developers. Say, 5% of the interest is distributed to developers until 500 BTC is reached or something.
"need people who are willing to invest their time, for possibly no immediate reward"
Or, in a manic daydream, we present this to that VC, they see it for what it is, then we can just put bounties out on the code, or just hire people out in silicon valley. Because ultimately, as you pointed out, the core of the DAFNe is this "virtual bitcoin playground" that has a trigger point... and this could be used in a lot of different ways.
Or we could just suck it up and make another damn coin, but treat it as a "share" of the company. This would definitively transform the DAFNe into a DAC, which is fine. But it would be cool to incorporate a way where the block reward is directly proportional to the amount of activity in each block, such that shares of the company aren't produced just because its mineable - instead, this would couple share production to actual business activity. I think it would also be good to change the block reward mechanism such that all miners are rewarded when a block is found, similar to the way that mining pools operate now. This would encourage mining, would encourage solo mining, and would truly represent the amount of "work" you put into the "company", as opposed to the current currency model of block reward which is meant to distribute currency in a random fashion to promote... well I don't know exactly.
Ultimately, the share could be used for voting purposes (with those heavily invested having more of a vote), and voting would be performed by sending to an unpayable (but trackable) wallet address. In this system, shares would always be rewarded (no decrease in block rewards over time - shares always produce in proportion to activity in block)