I think you don’t understand something here.
1 – Again ICOEthics has no intention to hurt any real project – The only intention is to identify potential scams by providing evidence of FAKE TEAM, plagiarism content, HYIP/Ponzi scheme etc…
2 – THERE IS NOT such a thing as “WE officially launched 2 weeks after…”. The moment you make your website online – LIVE – any person can view and take a snapshot. Professionals keep their websites offline/under construction until it is ready for the public.
It was LIVE on January 3rd 2019 as you can see the archived page here: http://web.archive.org/web/20190103135440/http://tokensale.decentralizedmindsetinstitute.com/
And while you there on the archive page, check that above the team pictures you see the word “TEAM”. SO, you are presenting to possible investors that those people are your team. We know they are stock photos, but most of investors don’t know this.
3 - Whatever date you announced on the forum doesn’t really matter. As you see we were aware you didn’t have a post here. But your website was LIVE. That’s what matter.
4 – Also on your LIVE website on January 3rd 2018, there is a sales chart which show:
Public PRE-ICO starts 09 November
Public ICO starts 01 December - Public ICO ends 24 March
To an investors that means you already had your PRE-ICO sales, and now you are on the ICO sales - ending soon March 24.
NOWHERE in the website says “This site is under construction” or “we are not officially open yet”
5 – Based on our experience, and I am sure most people in this forum will agree, 99% of projects that use stock photos of team members turned out to be a scam at the end, especially recently.
Scammers usually buy a website, wait 6+ months, develop it, sometimes they leave the stock team there until they get caught, start their sales for 3+ months, promise to pay bounty hunters and distribution after the sales… And guess what, their website expires because it was purchased for a 1 year subscription.
BY the way, when did you purchase your website and how long is it valid? Expiration date?
(source https://website.informer.com/decentralizedmindsetinstitute.com)
What is the duration of your SALES?
When are you paying the bounty hunters and coins/tokens distribution?
(WATCH OUT BOUNTY HUNTERS) we have seen many examples what happen when the sales is close to the website expiration date.
And as you see, it appears that he is planning to pay the Bounty on the same month that their website expires.
6 -What is the deal with these FAKE SALES pop ups at the bottom of your website? just took these snapshots – Now you are officially LIVE right? This is considered a way to deceive possible investors. (http://web.archive.org/web/20190117100135/http://tokensale.decentralizedmindsetinstitute.com/)