I may not agree that it's an issue but Kano is not a troll for voicing his a opinion. I have a YouTube channel and I get a lot of trolls and Kano sounds nothing like the trolls I get. I got so many I did a video for them...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sQaIeHvuM0It was funny and even the trolls loved it.
Hey D, big fan.
That being said, Luke's right. Kano's in this for profit more than love (obvious from his post history here if nothing else). In addition he tends to bend the truth past the breaking point quite often. These two statements are fact I'd encourage you to verify their veracity for yourself.
The following is my personal opinion which I happen to believe is right:
The reason that LukeJr supporters tend to discount poster like Kano is the simply because Luke has a technical mind, understands how things work and also is a proponent if not an advocate of the bitcoin network's need to be transparent. That's basically what this entire post is about... Luke (and myself and anyone who loves liberty) would rather take a slightly less streamlined process that we can see through than trust a pool op to inform us of what's happening. So sure, Stratum is less bandwidth at the cost of giving the pool op the ability do whatever they want behind it and the miners never knowing. It makes me wonder what they'd like to hide.
Also, I'd call it trolling when Kano comes here to decry the 'bad design' of GBT when the real issue is exactly what I've posted above... at the very least he's dishonest for not simply making his case for what it is... the desire to open a wedge into bitcoin that can be exploited later either by himself or others... without those of us actually doing the work knowing about it.
... another acolyte.
No I wont ignore that OT rubbish.
That being said, Luke's right. Kano's in this for profit more than love (obvious from his post history here if nothing else). In addition he tends to bend the truth past the breaking point quite often. These two statements are fact I'd encourage you to verify their veracity for yourself.
i.e. rubbish that you seem to think someone else has to prove and you can't since it's not true.
Please - show me these posts of mine you are talking about.
I'd love to have a read.
... and if you can't show them ... then I guess that shows how pointless your post is.
You do realise that every argument Luke-Jr and I have had about implementation issues in cgminer - he has later either done what I said or say he would do it ...
You've blindly decided to believe what Luke-Jr has said and not ever bothered to check it.
I've found this problem.
As for pools - that is simply you being too lazy to check what they do.
All the transactions that go into a block are shown in the block.
All transactions that do NOT go into a block are there for ANYONE to see.
If you don't want to spend ANY effort seeing what they are (as simple as reading the debug.log of bitcoind) that is your ignorance or laziness, nothing more.
Hmm you really gonna guess at my financial situation and motive?
And try to use that as an argument against me
firepop - subSTRATA - who's next?
I think the problems of higher difficulty and BTC halving are bringing the nut-cases out into the open.
Meanwhile ... as I've implied before ... anyone with a linux bitcoind:
Firstly have a look at the last few lines of your debug.log to see how big your memorypool is
Secondly ./bitcoind getblocktemplate
There are 2 issues here:
1) When getblocktemplate does return a lot of txn's per work request - see how large it is ... then consider what you have to send back in reply with each share you find
2) getblocktemplate also returns a small number of transactions when the memory pool isn't small ... say even when the memory pool is in the thousands ...
Arguing that the protocol design is good yet it allows (and all implementations currently use) this sort of thing is purely deceit.
This is what it currently does.
This needs to be fixed before those who don't check such things and believe the rubbish that Luke-Jr spouts start using it.
Oops - too late it's already in use ... oh well.
Actually, the biggest issue with GBT is the lack of GBT transparency itself in the comments the proponents make.
Ignoring or hiding the points about it that will negatively affect it's users and BTC.
Nice to see Luke-Jr actually mention ... some ... of them ... and yet again hide the important points.
Firstly, GBT is less work to implement ONLY because it uses an inferior method of data transfer that is already available and used by GetWork and bitcoind.
It has MUCH more overhead than Stratum.
Consider the data transfer size relationship to txn numbers.
As you mine until a block change, the txn number will continue to increase.
This leads to something that is in direct opposition to the requirements of BTC.
BTC requires transactions to be confirmed - the more the better.
However, with Stratum the relationship is order log2 N with GBT it is order N
Not only that, the size of the actual items sent are much larger in GBT.
GBT sends the whole transaction each time, Stratum just sends the side of the merkle tree and information for the coinbase transaction.
This give direct incentive to reduce the number of txns confirmed by anyone who implements GBT - including Luke-Jr himself on his own pool
Then of course there is
IMO, most likely the next-generation mining protocol to replace GBT (and Stratum) will use a persistent TCP connection
What Stratum already does - as he already knows.
Meh lots of posts while I was writing this ...