Please check out bounty program here
It is one of the valuable factors that needs to have for every team inorder to gained positive feedbacks and good reputations from the people around the world. And also, it gives more motivations for all supporters of this project to continue and give full supports by promoting it to the social networks and in the bitcoin forum.
Because we value our community, we put a dedicated person to answer all your questions here and that man is me
It's good to see a person like you. To work in such a team is one luck, as everything is done to achieve the maximum result. Continue to work too!
We are still in our Pre-Sale Stage with a massive 50% bonus. You still have 26 days left to buy our coin and enjoy that massive bonus. We are starting the groundwork for a massive multilingual 24/7 online chat support so you guys will get the answer when you need and where you need it.
You can see how much we have sold right now on our website
Decoin is not an erc-20 asset. Public wallet is set on the 3rd qtr of 2018. Here is our gitbhub address