Bon, voila, je crée ce topic pour qu'on arrête d'être HS sur celui d'Ethereum.
Decred c'est ceci :
- Hybridized proof-of-work proof-of-stake consensus system to strike a balance between miners and voters and create a more robust notion of consensus
- Blake-256 hashing algorithm – not vulnerable to many of the numerous security issues facing Merkle-Damgård construction-based hashing algorithms such as SHA-256
- secp256k1 signature scheme for ease of integration into existing software or Ed25519/secp256k1-Schnorr to take advantage of Schnorr signatures and their features
- Written entirely in Go using a modular, well-documented, and tested codebase for long-term maintainability
- Multi-stakeholder development ecosystem that welcomes and empowers participants who want to build new and improve on existing features
- Open and self-funded development via a block subsidy to ensure long-term development sustainability as project and network usage scale upward – Decred improves with use
- Any party can submit feature proposals and developers are paid for work to fulfill requirements – in full view of the community in a system designed to fight against ingroup-outgroup dynamics
- Main contributors are the developers responsible for btcsuite (est. early 2013 – present) – a suite of Bitcoin packages and tools, including btcd, a full node, mining capable, Bitcoin implementation
- Layered form of transparent meritocratic governance that extends beyond proof-of-work and proof-of-stake mechanisms to bring forward and represent insider and outsider voices in the community
- Bottom-up decision-making through the Decred Assembly – an evolving and inclusive list of community members who make non-financial contributions to the project through their work and effort
- Project bound by the Decred Constitution on the core principles of finite issuance, privacy, security, fungibility, inclusivity, and progressive development of the technology that keeps these principles together
C'est très nouveau, comme on peut le voir sur
coin market cap, ça date de genre le 12 février (un mois après Mike Hearn). C'est un bébé de même pas un mois et ça ressemble très fort à un clone de bitcoin à l'identique à part que le système de prise de décision est hiérarchisé, rendant les consensus plus faciles à atteindre (oh ? Mike Hearn encore !). Bon ok on a compris l'origine du truc. Maintenant faut voir si ça a un avenir. Je suis personnellement dubitatif parce qu'à part ces trucs sur les consensus Decred n'a pas l'air d'apporter grand chose de nouveau (je me trompe peut-être ? Je dois bien avouer ne pas comprendre grand chose au jargon informatique) et je suis personnellement convaincu que si avec bitcoin les consensus sont difficiles à atteindre ils sont malgré tout parfaitement atteignables dès lors que les gens ont un minimum le feu au cul.
Alors, votre avis ?