DhWJMa5kGNQ5iXGNoquRZQKSmARw1DyS2Z Balance: 7755125.02337209 ONION
DhWJMa5kGNQ5iXGNoquRZQKSmARw1DyS2Z 24.84027397
transactions like this happen on the network every few seconds because ONLY the premine addresses are staking (99.99%). Anyone can inspect this on the blockchain.
Coin Supply (ONION)
... increasing quicker than US Dollars can be printed.
On top of that this is advertised as a PoS coin but ONLY crypto-rainbow can stake. What a fucking joke!
You are just a sad little man because you got banned for breaking the rules. Why dont you just admit that you tried to sign up for the airdrop with several accounts, and got caught stealing onions??
Stick to the rules, and you will prosper.
Break the rules, and you will get banned.