Satoshis first job as a real USER was: launch a miner ( full client )
All following code / task splits were only to optimize things and share tasks ( miner, node, wallet, hodl ), but the biggest users invested most in mining also because of incentives.
So to claim to be a full Bitcoin user, you should :
Run a full node, mine and hodl. Be a maximal supporter of the network and scale the shit!
Just runnign a Rasp PI and own less than say e.g. 1 Bitcoin is nice and a good start, but does not qualify enough to say : full user.
Finally, these full users should also do full risk checks about any code, hardware and all the rest and decide what to set into production -> their risk!
BTW, beeing a miner safes your ownings best!
Yeah the current situation is users vs miners, but I don't agree with an user who mines can only be called a real bitcoin user. Do you think each and every bitcoin user can afford mining equipments?
No - they cannot and they do not really need to. We do not need 1Mil cars on the track.
In terms of the strict real Bitcoin USER, they ARE already there, have spent lots of money = full voting power (their cars !)
Rest is economic shopper / mostly minority shareholder. No real voting power, but vote with their feet and sell if race gets boring.
Maybe their power is coming up with a petition to change things, but they simply cannot fork of the tracks or change cars and rules.
But: They could mask their heads with funny caps and destroy things.