to add another direction to the craig wright as a satoshi fall guy social misdirection drama.
ill add this name as the fourth musketeer, which i presume cough*media*cough are investigating as part of their circle jerk of their own rumour creation
Joseph Vaughn Perling video is after craig ran off to the UK. but before he allowed gizmodo and wired to publish his tipoff.. in essense this is craig wrights attempt to get his name out there before he unlocks the media storm.
then looking at Joseph Vaughn Perling
google can see JVP saying he met cough*satoshi*cough many times.
VaughnPerling says he met Wright at a conference in Amsterdam[2005] three years before publication of the Bitcoin white paper – and that Wright introduced himself as Satoshi Nakamoto at that time. facepalming and laughing at the same time) anyone else backing Wright's story?
Shortly after Wright's media storm ignited, two more digital currency veterans spoke out to back Wright's claims: R3 architect Ian Grigg, and New Liberty Dollar issuer Joseph Vaughn Perling.
Going into more detail in a blog post, Grigg claims that Wright was part of a small team behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, which would have also included the late Dave Kleiman. Grigg also notes that the team suffered much distress throughout the past years, suggesting Wright deserves to be left in peace now.
Perling did not provide much more background information, though his tweets echoed a similar sentiment as Grigg's: Wright – who is the man behind Satoshi Nakamoto – experiences much distress, and deserves some privacy.
As opposed to Andresen and Matonis, however, Grigg and Perling do not claim to have seen cryptographic evidence. Nor have they provided any. 350 attendee, invite-only event will include leaders from all major blockchain communities: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Blockstack, Zcash, and more. Construct was designed to promote cross-community collaboration and to help ensure the “internet of value” is built on an open, secure and interoperable foundation.
Organizer: Thank you, everybody, for attending. First off, I wish to relay a rumor ...
Cryptocurrency Periodicals: Much info! Such wow! On day one of the behind-closed-doors two-day
meatup, a rumor was advanced by its host who was told by a friend that he (or she) overheard a conversation between two other attendees while taking a shit in stall number three of the unisex bathroom. There are claims that pictures exist depicting the unisex bathroom that was heavily frequented, cementing the notion that the rumor has validity.