I want to tell you about some principles of choosing a bounty campaign.I will say at once, this process is not for the lazy, but for those who value their time and do not want to spend it on scabbard projects.
100% guarantee that the project is not a scam no one will give. But evaluating it according to the criteria below, you can cut potentially failed projects.
Try to understand the idea of the ICO project. Is there anything unique in it and is this project necessary? Participate in the popular bounty. Often if the ICO is worth something, then usually in the first days after the appearance on the BTT, communication is already in progress.
But be SMART! There are such campaigns in which there is potential, but not many participants, there are few people who will help you, you need to determine whether this campaign can be shot, and whether it is not cheating.
1) If the ICO has already started, keep an eye on the amount of fees. If the fees are not lively, then there is nothing to catch.
2) The harder it is to perform, the more worthwhile the project.
3) Pay attention to the activity in Twitter and Facebook, the number of subscribers and the number of participants of the award.
Study the idea of the project on White Paper, Road Map, main site, twitter feed. 3.
Who is campaign manager Here is list with some managers:
Entering this or that campaign will know what to expect from its manager. I advise you to
maintain your own statistics of managers.
ICO and bounty trackers.Break through the ICO and bounty project through special trackers, such as:
https://icowatchlist.com/ https://icotracker.net/ https://icobench.com/icos https://www.icoalert.com/ http://tokenlab.info http://icorating.com/rating https://icodrops.com/bounty-list/But be carefull! It is not necessary to be sure that the information on these sites is reliable, this information can also be fake.These are the 4 most useful tips for choosing a bounty campaign.
I would like to say that the most important thing is to think with your own head, you do not even need to listen to me, you should not follow what I wrote, but analyze and use what you think is useful, thank you for your attention! I see the same kind of thread which is helping to choose the bounty program with in this month of time itself. I do not know why suddenly these kind of thread has been opened by various users. Will it be helpful one or created for the grab the merits by alt users.
I think if DT looks these all thread they will go to research all the accounts on this open up for the bounty pick help.
Whatever you mentioned all these things very much known information mate.