Currently, we are working on the command line interface (Giant CLI) upgrade which will add the methods of engagement with smart contracts.
The CLI must provide easy and comprehensive methods to work with smart contracts, namely:
• smart contracts deploy
• smart contracts method calls
• smart contracts info display
In particular, the following methods are being developed:
POST contractDeploy
Creates a transaction which deploys a smart contract and uploads it into the mempool
POST contractCall
Calls the smart conract method, and it can be both readonly which allows to call a smart contract for free without making any changes in the blockchain, and readonly=false which will create a new transaction
GET contractAddress
Returns the smart contract address with the use of transaction hash
GET contractInfo calculateProperties?callReadonlyMethods?
Returns the smart contract info with the use of its address
How to fix the issue in order to have active staking wallet?
Can you help me to fix it, Giantcoin team, please