QQ: Why do you stake the entire budget on a single pick as opposed to spreading it to multiple picks?
I am wondering the same. It's not wise to put the entire bankroll on one bet since we know one bet is all it takes to lose it all.
After winning the first 2 bets OP should have played it safe by diversifying the bets.
But it's his call, lets see how it goes now that OP is back to scratch.
Yes, I thought so too that was the reason why I had to ask. Anyway, it's past now. I believe this challenge is over in the interim. It was fun and intriguing while it lasted but sometimes, good runs come to and end. My key takeaways from this challenge:
- It's not always a great idea to put all eggs in one basket. If you must, research well prior to taking such a bet.
- Take time to enjoy wins. The same way OP was eager to continue his winning streak is the same way he tried hard to end his losing streak and that ultimately became the end of his challenge even though it was off to a bright start.
I wish him well in future endeavours.