For the Steve Jobs case, it was the last name, since the letter S can't be after the 5 in a private key. So we assumed that we need the last name of the other names.
sorry if this is a bit OT, but with S and 5 (also I and l i guess and maybe some other combinations) it is only possible to have one of those?
so if i have a 5 no S is possible afterwards and if i have an S no 5 is possible? do i get it right? maybe this can also help us to narrow it down.
Okay I'll tell you what I know. A private key in WIF (Wallet Import Format) is 51 characters in base58. For Bitcoin mainnet, the WIF private key will always begin with a 5. Why?
1. Take the ECDSA private key which can be any unsigned integer from 0x1 to 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFE BAAE DCE6 AF48 A03B BFD2 5E8C D036 4140
2. and you place the network identifier (0x80 for bitcoin mainnet) in front. (by the way, 0x simply means hexadecimal format).
3. You take this result and perform a SHA256 hash on it.
4. Take the result of that and perform another SHA256 hash on it.
5. Take the last 4 bytes of the previous result (used as a checksum) and add it to the end of the number in step 2
6. and finally convert that hexadecimal number to base58 and you have the WIF private key.
Here is the lowest possible address with the network identifier and checksum added:
and here is the largest:
As you can see, the range of values is limited by the use of the network identifier which is why when converted to base58, the result will begin with 5 and be limited to H, J or K for the second character.
Read about it here and here.
Now I expect some puzzle solution suggestions from you very soon!
Ya, um... That 's what I was going to say
Sadly I've been lurking on this thread for quite a while and I have to say I'm impressed with the answers you're all finding. This is WAY over my head haha so good luck!