
Topic: Demands of Gilet Jaunes (Yellow Vests) - page 2. (Read 592 times)

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 295
December 17, 2018, 06:43:16 PM
The demands of the gilet jaunes are just a joke.
I am french, i lived there for 28 years before leaving tired of the attitude french have about working / money.

They (we) want more while doing less.

Number 10 :
Let's sum up.
You are born, you don't pay for the hospital.
Then you go to school for 25 years for free (your parent don't pay, you have no student loan either).
Then you work for 40 years (age 65) and earn 1300 euros per months.  Obviously you don't pay for hospital, you dont pay for schooling of your children either.
Then, because you worked for 40 years you want to have for the next 25 / 30 years  (until your death) 1200 euros per month (almost as much as what you were earning)  paid by the government while not paying for your very expensive end of life medical treatment. 

In which world do we live ?

That list of 42 demands is just the proof that the gilet jaunes are living in a pink world where money grow on tree.

I do however agree with many points( 2 / 3/4/6 !!!!/ 11 !!!/ 15/ 21/ 34 ......) , but come-on ! let's be reasonable.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 17, 2018, 06:02:23 PM
There is a lot of buzz around social media about what these protests are about.  We even have right wingers saying they are pro-Trump protests.  Its not an accident that MSM is vaguely reporting what the movement is about.  They don't want it to spread!   Let me just put an end to conservatives trying to claim Gilet Jaunes right now.  I have bolded the ones that are especially left wing.
1. Housing for all homeless people

2. A more progressive tax system
3. Minimum wage of 1,300€/month
4. Measures to protect small businesses (stop building malls, no more “big box” stores), more parking spaces in downtowns
5. Government program for insulating homes & other buildings
6. Big businesses (McDonald’s, Google, Amazon...) should pay big taxes & small businesses pay small ones
7. Same health insurance system for all (including self-employed)
8. Keep retirement system the way it is now (working people pay the pensions of retirees)
9. No more increases on fuel taxes
10. No old age pensions below 1,200€/month
11. All elected officials should earn French median income + reimbursement of travel costs if justified + meal tickets
12. All salaries & government benefits must be indexed on inflation
13. Protect French industry, outlaw delocalizations
14. End the European system whereby workers from other European countries are paid the lower salaries and benefits of their respective countries rather than French wages and benefits
15. Job security. Larger businesses should be obliged to give more employees permanent contracts (CDI)
16. Create a French industry of hydrogen powered automobiles
17. End the politics of austerity
18.  Better treatment for asylum seekers. Provide lodging, food, security & ...
18. (cont.) ... education for minors. Work with the UN to build camps in many countries to hold asylum seekers until their papers are processed
19. Accompany those who are not granted asylum back to the countries they came from
20. Create a program for integrating immigrants. Living in France entails becoming French (certificate program in French language, history, civics)
21. Maximum salary fixed at 15,000€/month
22. Jobs for the unemployed

Uh-oh, missed one up thread 😩
Here’s the one I missed, should have been number 18:

18. Treat the causes that are forcing people to migrate.
24. Increase disability pensions
25. Rent control. More social housing and in particular housing for college students, contractors, gig economy workers, people without steady jobs
26. Outlaw the sale of French public property (dams, airports...)
27. Allocate much more money to the justice system, the police and the armed forces. Pay police officers overtime or allow them to take the corresponding hours off
28. The totality of sums collected at toll booths should go to maintaining the countries highways & roads...
28. (cont.) ... and to road security.
29. As the prices of natural gas & electricity have risen since these sectors were privatized, we demand the re-nationalization of these industries and the lowering of prices
30. An immediate end to the closings of smaller train lines,...
30. (cont.) ... post offices, schools and maternity wards
31. Well-being for our elderly. Outlaw for-profit elderly care. The time of “gray gold” has come to an end
32. A maximum of 25 students per class from nursery school through high school
33. More public financing of psychiatry
34. Write a popular referendum system into the Constitution. Create an on-line referendum site where citizens can propose new laws, overseen by an independent body. If a proposition receives over 700,000 votes it should be introduced...
34. (cont.) into Congress, accordingly completed, amended and discussed before all citizens are allowed to vote on it (within exactly one year of obtaining the 700,000 signatures)
35. Return to a presidential mandate of 7 years (currently it’s 5) with interim elections of reps
36. Retirement for all at 60 years old and at 55 for people in professions that are hard on the body (construction work...)
37. Extension of public aid to parents paying for daycare for children up until 10 years of age
38. Incentivize transportation of merchandise by rail
39. No withholding of income tax
40. Presidents should no longer receive a salary for life
41. Outlaw the tax paid by shopkeepers each time a client pays by credit or debit card
42. Tax kerosene, air and maritime fuels
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