If you check the spreadsheet, we are manually checking the post, if you made 50 post through out the campaign then you need not to worry. But if you failed to then that would be a problem
So it is not nice surprise for me.. I wrote more than 50 posts - around 52-53.. i'm not sure. But as i was checking my history, around 4-5 posts was posted 4-5 minutes after my last post
I understand that rules are rules, but who and when said that burst post is " posting less than 6 min. after your last post " ?
Why not 4 minutes?
And why it was not announced at the beginning? (i mean information about this 6 min spread)
Mate are you reading what's written by the manager? Why you make stressed out yourself? The manager said as long as you made 50 or more posts, you're good to be eligible. Don't panic if you somehow completed 50 or 50+ posts during the bounty period.