
Topic: DESCROW Bounty Campaign - page 2. (Read 42719 times)

Activity: 2562
Merit: 1064
March 04, 2018, 04:28:30 PM
according to the description of bounty "articles" everyone should get paid! and you paid a couple of people, as it is not fair, people worked and got free advertising of some sort... looks like it's all on the bench. For that received a video 3000 tokens in which even mention was not for your company... My article fully complies with the requirements №202 0xED89d18D66133d7e3920c965cF4939012Bee7a7C

Bounty don't work like this, you have to post quality content not just copy paste.

P.S. If anyone did not receive bounty or part of bounty, please pm me, I will check with team. Otherwise I will lock this thread in 1-2 days.
Activity: 378
Merit: 10
March 03, 2018, 09:42:52 PM
according to the description of bounty "articles" everyone should get paid! and you paid a couple of people, as it is not fair, people worked and got free advertising of some sort... looks like it's all on the bench. For that received a video 3000 tokens in which even mention was not for your company... My article fully complies with the requirements №202 0xED89d18D66133d7e3920c965cF4939012Bee7a7C
full member
Activity: 882
Merit: 112
Your Data Belongs To You
March 03, 2018, 03:49:19 PM

I did received only  part of my bounty tokens for twitter campaign.
Sheet states that my bounty is 92 tokens but i received 23 tokens (

Is this something that is okey, is the distribution happening in parts?
sr. member
Activity: 784
Merit: 314
March 03, 2018, 02:53:33 PM
Thanks i get receive token reward, , hope so this community will be big in the future
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
March 03, 2018, 09:52:04 AM
When is the token distribution for bounty?
full member
Activity: 966
Merit: 100
March 03, 2018, 08:32:00 AM
thanks i got my payment for telegram and content bounty..thanks deadley
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
March 03, 2018, 05:07:33 AM
Thanks for the prize bounty, although I only paid for the bounty, and the telegram campaign failed to participate in bounty blog campaign. Greetings descrow team successfully
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 100
March 03, 2018, 04:38:40 AM
in blog bounty spreadsheet, I am number 34-36, one personal review and 2 reposts.
Could you please explain what is the reason I received 0 stakes on all of them?
I completely followed all the rules.
Can you please check it?

If you don't have any view, so posting in your blog won't help. Re posting in your blog doesn't mean you can copy anything to dead blog.
Excuse me but some got the stakes with way fewer views than my blog has. Please fix it.
Activity: 347
Merit: 10
March 03, 2018, 04:32:02 AM
Hello, dear bounty manager. I took part in content bounty and telegram bounty of Descrow project.
And i received payment only for Telegram bounty. I hope, payment for content bounty is still in queue?
Thank you.
I have the same question
sr. member
Activity: 742
Merit: 257
And we go again.
March 03, 2018, 04:18:06 AM
Hello, dear bounty manager. I took part in content bounty and telegram bounty of Descrow project.
And i received payment only for Telegram bounty. I hope, payment for content bounty is still in queue?
Thank you.
full member
Activity: 504
Merit: 102
March 02, 2018, 11:15:23 AM
Descrow announces the launch of the unique Post-Bounty Programm

Descrow platform is pleased to announce the launch of the unprecedented program — the Post-Bounty Descrow.

The Post-Bounty program participants will be rewarded with DES utility tokens, which are used to sustain the platform and provide benefits for the token holders (service discounts, lotteries participation), in the same manner as it happened during the Descrow ICO.

The remuneration fund for Post-Bounty Descrow program will be fueled with the project team funds. Why give the tokens away? The answer is clear. The program execution with the subsequent buy-out on the crypto exchanges will facilitate the tokens turnover and the general project development. We are certain that the working platform will create more profit than the speculative token trading.

The Post-Bounty Descrow program differs from the conventional ICO bounty program in objectives and rewarded actions.

hero member
Activity: 818
Merit: 508
March 02, 2018, 08:52:25 AM
Has anyone tested the platform? What impressions were left of her? positive?

Another issue on the exchange Efirdelta in my opinion already lies a week, how can you like to say about ForkDelt? Or it does not matter?
full member
Activity: 257
Merit: 100
February 28, 2018, 01:35:29 AM
Descrow platform tokens are added to EtherDelta exchange listing

We are pleased to announce that DES tokens have been added to the listing of the EtherDelta crypto-exchange platform.

EtherDelta, on which the Descrow platform tokens trading is available, is a decentralized exchange for ERC20 tokens trading, launched by the successful startup founder Zack Coburn in the summer of 2017. The deposit/withdrawal fees are quite minimal here, but the main advantage of EtherDelta is its safety, because, as well as the Descrow platform, the EtherDelta exchange is fully decentralized, i.e. the users transactions are being conducted directly between them, from wallet to wallet, bypassing the central distribution spot.

we the "bitcoin hunters" love to hear this good news,
hopefully the price that is in etherdelta in accordance with expectations,
Activity: 322
Merit: 10
February 27, 2018, 09:01:38 AM
Descrow platform tokens are added to EtherDelta exchange listing

We are pleased to announce that DES tokens have been added to the listing of the EtherDelta crypto-exchange platform.

EtherDelta, on which the Descrow platform tokens trading is available, is a decentralized exchange for ERC20 tokens trading, launched by the successful startup founder Zack Coburn in the summer of 2017. The deposit/withdrawal fees are quite minimal here, but the main advantage of EtherDelta is its safety, because, as well as the Descrow platform, the EtherDelta exchange is fully decentralized, i.e. the users transactions are being conducted directly between them, from wallet to wallet, bypassing the central distribution spot.
Activity: 122
Merit: 0
February 27, 2018, 07:50:04 AM

Why do I have a report that is not graded?
full member
Activity: 542
Merit: 102
February 26, 2018, 03:21:09 AM
Descrow invites you to participate in its platform testing

We are pleased to inform you that Descrow platform is almost ready, and we invite all those who are not indifferent to the future of such a promising financial instrument as ICO to register for participation in the testing of platform services.
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 26, 2018, 02:59:19 AM
       Descrow пpиглaшaeт к yчacтию в тecтиpoвaнии cвoeй плaтфopмы

Mы paды вaм cooбщить, чтo плaтфopмa Descrow пoчти гoтoвa, и пpиглaшaeм вcex, ктo нepaвнoдyшeн к бyдyщeмy тaкoгo пepcпeктивнoгo финaнcoвoгo инcтpyмeнтa, кaк ICO, зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя для yчacтия в тecтoвыx иcпытaнияx cepвиcoв плaтфopмы.

Descrow – этo yникaльнaя дeцeнтpaлизoвaннaя эcкpoy-плaтфopмa для пpoвeдeния ICO (финaнcиpoвaниe чepeз пepвичнoe paзмeщeниe кpиптoвaлюты или тoкeнoв), c кoтopoй миpoвoй кpayдфaндинг мoжeт выйти нa кaчecтвeннo инoй ypoвeнь, cтaв бoлee пpoзpaчным и бeзoпacным. Глaвный инcтpyмeнт Descrow – дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoe эcкpoy – пoзвoляeт кaждoмy инвecтopy дepжaть пoд кoнтpoлeм пpoцecc финaнcиpoвaния пpoeктa, пoзвoляя мaкcимaльнo oбeзoпacить ceбя oт финaнcoвыx пoтepь. Этo дocтигaeтcя зa cчeт тpёx кoмпoнeнтoв экocиcтeмы  – дeцeнтpaлизaции, эcкpoy-cepвиca и инcтpyмeнтa гoлocoвaния инвecтopoв.

Финaнcиpoвaниe ICO пpoeктoв пpи иcпoльзoвaнии плaтфopмы Descrow ocyщecтвляeтcя нe eдинopaзoвoй выплaтoй, a пoэтaпнo, блaгoдapя чeмy пoлyчeниe 100% инвecтиций в пpoeкт cтaнoвитcя вoзмoжным тoлькo в тoм cлyчae, ecли пpoeкт выпoлняeт cвoи oбязaтeльcтвa пepeд инвecтopaми. Кpoмe тoгo, плaтфopмa Descrow coздaeт peзepвный фoнд, зa cчёт кoтopoгo инвecтopы cмoгyт вepнyть дaжe cвoй пepвoнaчaльный взнoc. Taким oбpaзoм мoжeт быть зacтpaxoвaнo дo 100% инвecтиций в пpoeкт, в зaвиcимocти oт видa кoнтpaктa инвecтopa и плaтфopмы Descrow.

Для кoмaнды ICO cтapтaпa пoльзoвaниe cepвиcaми Descrow oзнaчaeт знaк выcoкoгo кaчecтвa пpoeктa, зaщитy oт xaкepcкиx aтaк нa эcкpoy-кoшeлeк и вoзмoжнocть выcтpaивaния дoвepитeльныx oтнoшeний c кoмьюнити инвecтopoв.

Coвceм cкopo нaчинaeтcя тecтиpoвaниe плaтфopмы Descrow, и мы пpeдлaгaeм вceм жeлaющим пpeдвapитeльнo зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя для yчacтия в этoм вaжнoм пpoцecce. Mы зaинтepecoвaны в пpивлeчeнии к тecтиpoвaнию вcex тex, ктo плaниpyeт paбoтaть c нaми (инвecтopы, кoмaнды ICO cтapтaпoв, пapтнepы, экcпepты), a тaкжe тecтиpoвщикoв-пpoфeccиoнaлoв. Для нac вaжeн вaш вклaд в paзвитиe пpoeктa, пoэтoмy зa кaждый нeдoчeт, нeyдoбcтвo, бaг в плaтфopмe, oбнapyжeнный вaми, мы выплaтим вoзнaгpaждeниe в тoкeнax DES.

Tecтиpoвaниe бyдeт пpeдcтaвлять coбoй эмyляцию пpoцecca кpayдфaндингa и пocлeдyющeй peaлизaции пpoeктa ICO cтapтaпa пpи пoмoщи мexaнизмa дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoгo эcкpoy и гoлocoвaния инвecтopoв. Tecтиpoвaниe бyдeт дocтyпнo в двyx peжимax – инвecтopa и ICO cтapтaпa. B peжимe cтapтaпa Baм бyдeт пpeдлoжeнo нecкoлькo вapиaнтoв opгaнизaции ICO кaмпaнии, или жe вы cмoжeтe caмocтoятeльнo зaдaть пapaмeтpы cвoeгo пpoeктa. Для кaждoгo yчacтникa тecтиpoвaния бyдeт oткpыт coбcтвeнный дeмo-cчёт, пpи пoмoщи кoтopoгo мoгyт быть инвecтиpoвaны или пoлyчeны cpeдcтвa.

Bы мoжeтe зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя для yчacтия в тecтиpoвaнии, зaпoлнив пpocтyю фopмy. 

Пoдпиcывaйтecь нa нaши pecypcы и cлeдитe зa нoвocтями Descrow!
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