
Topic: DESCROW SECURE CROWDFUNDING PLATFORM - page 15. (Read 36084 times)

full member
Activity: 522
Merit: 101
December 12, 2017, 08:03:26 AM
Invested   1035.265 ETH
0.06 BTC
157315.05 USD
478.01 DASH
872.15 ZCASH
Funny moment - everyone who sits in bitcoins does not use them at all. This is a huge pent-up demand. After all, they will go to investment anyway.
they are waitnig for 20k for 1 bitcoin
This gives an idea of ​​the huge potential of funds that investors still have.
full member
Activity: 773
Merit: 101 - Earn USDT/USDC
February 28, 2018, 10:42:24 AM
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 28, 2018, 06:13:14 AM
After EtherDelta DES tokens will list to any trading platform? Actually I do not like EtherDelta it's too lag for me

Why use etherdelta? The problem their still persist. I hope you can list DES in a much more reputable exchange site.

from other exchanges wait for the answer-additions. soon will release on the subject. have patience)
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 629
December 12, 2017, 07:26:40 AM
The Descrow crowdfunding platform launched its own ICO campaign on the 29 of November. In the course of the campaign the project aims to raise around 20 mln of dollars for further development of the platform and expanding its services globally.
Since November 29, not so much time has passed, and the Descrow platform attracted a large community and no less interest from investors. I consider this a successful beginning, and the purpose of fees looks more than real.
May be it ia autoposting or just mixed up the news. DES have great amount of info reasons that it is not difficult to get confused.
jr. member
Activity: 710
Merit: 1
February 28, 2018, 04:44:11 AM
After EtherDelta DES tokens will list to any trading platform? Actually I do not like EtherDelta it's too lag for me
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 28, 2018, 02:26:51 AM
Why use etherdelta? The problem their still persist. I hope you can list DES in a much more reputable exchange site.

from other exchanges wait for the answer-additions. soon will release on the subject. have patience)
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 103
Thinking on the higher plane of existence.
February 27, 2018, 11:32:45 PM
Why use etherdelta? The problem their still persist. I hope you can list DES in a much more reputable exchange site.
Activity: 2478
Merit: 1951
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
December 12, 2017, 07:02:35 AM
The last month of the departing year is full of different events influencing the technology and network characteristics. Decisions on scaling the network and its active growth create the instability risks and hyper-volatility.
Descrow as one of the projects holding ICO campaign and actively communicating with the community, is not the only one that faced objective technical challenges. In order to balance the users wishes with their investing capacities, we decided to fix the price till the ICO closure at the current week level: 1 DES = 0,00125 ETH.
We are inviting you to use this chance and become a part of the promising project and a token holder. At the time of listing on the crypto exchanges, the token price will grow up to ~50% from the current offer.
Very sensible solution. All the Altcoins suffered from the hysteria with Bitcoin. And I'm sure in the future bitcoin himself will experience difficulties. Therefore, right now there is a good opportunity to buy altcoins at such an attractive price. And I am sure that after the end of all these events, growth will be more than 50%, since the market will be restored everywhere.
Have you already taken part in ICO or are you also playing at exchange rates?
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 27, 2018, 09:59:16 AM
Descrow platform tokens are added to EtherDelta exchange listing

We are pleased to announce that DES tokens have been added to the listing of the EtherDelta crypto-exchange platform.
EtherDelta, on which the Descrow platform tokens trading is available, is a decentralized exchange for ERC20 tokens trading, launched by the successful startup founder Zack Coburn in the summer of 2017. The deposit/withdrawal fees are quite minimal here, but the main advantage of EtherDelta is its safety, because, as well as the Descrow platform, the EtherDelta exchange is fully decentralized, i.e. the users transactions are being conducted directly between them, from wallet to wallet, bypassing the central distribution spot.

Since the exchange is decentralized, trading can be conducted even before the official listing by the exchange management, i.e. at the time of application processing it is already possible to buy and sell tokens on the exchange. In order to do this, you need to click on this link. We advise you to add it to your bookmarks to prevent its loss.

Attention, please! To avoid fraud, be sure to check, whether the DES token address is valid In the link, after, the address of our smart contract comes where DES tokens were issued: 0x81a803d28ee340e8c3805362374703ffcbb8c0e2.
You can get into the token web page manually. In order to do this, you need to print the address of the smart contract, bitness (Cool and the name of the token (DES).
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 26, 2018, 03:00:14 AM
                            Descrow пpиглaшaeт к yчacтию в тecтиpoвaнии cвoeй плaтфopмы

Mы paды вaм cooбщить, чтo плaтфopмa Descrow пoчти гoтoвa, и пpиглaшaeм вcex, ктo нepaвнoдyшeн к бyдyщeмy тaкoгo пepcпeктивнoгo финaнcoвoгo инcтpyмeнтa, кaк ICO, зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя для yчacтия в тecтoвыx иcпытaнияx cepвиcoв плaтфopмы.

Descrow – этo yникaльнaя дeцeнтpaлизoвaннaя эcкpoy-плaтфopмa для пpoвeдeния ICO (финaнcиpoвaниe чepeз пepвичнoe paзмeщeниe кpиптoвaлюты или тoкeнoв), c кoтopoй миpoвoй кpayдфaндинг мoжeт выйти нa кaчecтвeннo инoй ypoвeнь, cтaв бoлee пpoзpaчным и бeзoпacным. Глaвный инcтpyмeнт Descrow – дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoe эcкpoy – пoзвoляeт кaждoмy инвecтopy дepжaть пoд кoнтpoлeм пpoцecc финaнcиpoвaния пpoeктa, пoзвoляя мaкcимaльнo oбeзoпacить ceбя oт финaнcoвыx пoтepь. Этo дocтигaeтcя зa cчeт тpёx кoмпoнeнтoв экocиcтeмы  – дeцeнтpaлизaции, эcкpoy-cepвиca и инcтpyмeнтa гoлocoвaния инвecтopoв.

Финaнcиpoвaниe ICO пpoeктoв пpи иcпoльзoвaнии плaтфopмы Descrow ocyщecтвляeтcя нe eдинopaзoвoй выплaтoй, a пoэтaпнo, блaгoдapя чeмy пoлyчeниe 100% инвecтиций в пpoeкт cтaнoвитcя вoзмoжным тoлькo в тoм cлyчae, ecли пpoeкт выпoлняeт cвoи oбязaтeльcтвa пepeд инвecтopaми. Кpoмe тoгo, плaтфopмa Descrow coздaeт peзepвный фoнд, зa cчёт кoтopoгo инвecтopы cмoгyт вepнyть дaжe cвoй пepвoнaчaльный взнoc. Taким oбpaзoм мoжeт быть зacтpaxoвaнo дo 100% инвecтиций в пpoeкт, в зaвиcимocти oт видa кoнтpaктa инвecтopa и плaтфopмы Descrow.

Для кoмaнды ICO cтapтaпa пoльзoвaниe cepвиcaми Descrow oзнaчaeт знaк выcoкoгo кaчecтвa пpoeктa, зaщитy oт xaкepcкиx aтaк нa эcкpoy-кoшeлeк и вoзмoжнocть выcтpaивaния дoвepитeльныx oтнoшeний c кoмьюнити инвecтopoв.

Coвceм cкopo нaчинaeтcя тecтиpoвaниe плaтфopмы Descrow, и мы пpeдлaгaeм вceм жeлaющим пpeдвapитeльнo зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя для yчacтия в этoм вaжнoм пpoцecce. Mы зaинтepecoвaны в пpивлeчeнии к тecтиpoвaнию вcex тex, ктo плaниpyeт paбoтaть c нaми (инвecтopы, кoмaнды ICO cтapтaпoв, пapтнepы, экcпepты), a тaкжe тecтиpoвщикoв-пpoфeccиoнaлoв. Для нac вaжeн вaш вклaд в paзвитиe пpoeктa, пoэтoмy зa кaждый нeдoчeт, нeyдoбcтвo, бaг в плaтфopмe, oбнapyжeнный вaми, мы выплaтим вoзнaгpaждeниe в тoкeнax DES.

Tecтиpoвaниe бyдeт пpeдcтaвлять coбoй эмyляцию пpoцecca кpayдфaндингa и пocлeдyющeй peaлизaции пpoeктa ICO cтapтaпa пpи пoмoщи мexaнизмa дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoгo эcкpoy и гoлocoвaния инвecтopoв. Tecтиpoвaниe бyдeт дocтyпнo в двyx peжимax – инвecтopa и ICO cтapтaпa. B peжимe cтapтaпa Baм бyдeт пpeдлoжeнo нecкoлькo вapиaнтoв opгaнизaции ICO кaмпaнии, или жe вы cмoжeтe caмocтoятeльнo зaдaть пapaмeтpы cвoeгo пpoeктa. Для кaждoгo yчacтникa тecтиpoвaния бyдeт oткpыт coбcтвeнный дeмo-cчёт, пpи пoмoщи кoтopoгo мoгyт быть инвecтиpoвaны или пoлyчeны cpeдcтвa.

Bы мoжeтe зapeгиcтpиpoвaтьcя для yчacтия в тecтиpoвaнии, зaпoлнив пpocтyю фopмy. 

Пoдпиcывaйтecь нa нaши pecypcы и cлeдитe зa нoвocтями Descrow!
full member
Activity: 477
Merit: 102
Radix-The Decentralized Finance Protocol
December 11, 2017, 03:02:32 PM
@ Boristhecat Sartrute
You are absolutely right, I also think that ahead of us is a new round of the boom of ALTcoins and the ICO boom. Since the gigantic funds invested in bitcoin will be freed from it and go clearly not into fiat. Undoubtedly, such topical projects as DES should be considered as a priority for investing.
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 22, 2018, 03:41:55 AM
                                                      DESCROW platform testing

Dear colleagues and friends! We are asking you to help us to test the decentralized escrow platform DESCROW!
This is an infrastructure project that changes investing principles completely in the world of cryptoeconomics and blockhain technology!
Descrow is a new-style of international crowdfunding platform with a decentralized escrow function and a set of tools for safe investing in ICO based on blockchain technology.

Our website:
Our chat (eng):

link to the document : 

full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 103
February 21, 2018, 06:07:45 AM
Descrow has signed a partnership agreement with WeAre platform

We are pleased to announce that a cooperation agreement has been concluded between the WeAre and Descrow platforms. Now the projects that are placed on We Are website will be able to use the Descrow service to guarantee the fulfillment of obligations of the crowdsale parties. Descrow customers will also be able to place their projects on the WeAre platform. If requested by the customers, the tokens of the startups, whose ICOs the customers are taking part in, can be exchanged for DES or WeAre tokens.

WEARE is a blockchain technology based platform that allows high-quality and promising projects to attract investment for their development and launching. To date, among the projects attracted by the WeAre platform are the Cinema Development Fund

great news!)
full member
Activity: 522
Merit: 101
December 11, 2017, 02:19:52 PM
Invested   1035.265 ETH
0.06 BTC
157315.05 USD
478.01 DASH
872.15 ZCASH
Funny moment - everyone who sits in bitcoins does not use them at all. This is a huge pent-up demand. After all, they will go to investment anyway.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 629
December 11, 2017, 01:48:01 PM
The last month of the departing year is full of different events influencing the technology and network characteristics. Decisions on scaling the network and its active growth create the instability risks and hyper-volatility.
Descrow as one of the projects holding ICO campaign and actively communicating with the community, is not the only one that faced objective technical challenges. In order to balance the users wishes with their investing capacities, we decided to fix the price till the ICO closure at the current week level: 1 DES = 0,00125 ETH.
We are inviting you to use this chance and become a part of the promising project and a token holder. At the time of listing on the crypto exchanges, the token price will grow up to ~50% from the current offer.
Very sensible solution. All the Altcoins suffered from the hysteria with Bitcoin. And I'm sure in the future bitcoin himself will experience difficulties. Therefore, right now there is a good opportunity to buy altcoins at such an attractive price. And I am sure that after the end of all these events, growth will be more than 50%, since the market will be restored everywhere.
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 101
February 21, 2018, 06:03:13 AM
Descrow has signed a partnership agreement with WeAre platform

We are pleased to announce that a cooperation agreement has been concluded between the WeAre and Descrow platforms. Now the projects that are placed on We Are website will be able to use the Descrow service to guarantee the fulfillment of obligations of the crowdsale parties. Descrow customers will also be able to place their projects on the WeAre platform. If requested by the customers, the tokens of the startups, whose ICOs the customers are taking part in, can be exchanged for DES or WeAre tokens.

WEARE is a blockchain technology based platform that allows high-quality and promising projects to attract investment for their development and launching. To date, among the projects attracted by the WeAre platform are the Cinema Development Fund
Activity: 2478
Merit: 1951
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
December 11, 2017, 01:26:17 PM
not infrequently after the listing, the price of the token instantly falls and only grows in price over time.  Cool
Maybe if they announce an increase in the price of the token by a certain amount they have a reason for this?
Maybe there will be a buyback maybe there is an agreement on selling at a greater price to strategic partners. There are many options and we do not yet know what kind of it we are talking about. So it's too early to draw conclusions. Prospects in any case look promissing.
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 100
February 16, 2018, 06:28:48 AM
Descrow partners with the business accelerators IIDF and “300 startups”
On February 9–11, the Descrow team held talks with the business accelerators IIDF and “300 startups”.

full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 103
February 16, 2018, 05:42:14 AM
I'm looking forward to further news of this project, and I'll keep seeing the progress of this thread, Good luck dev.and more success
Even after the end of the sale of the tokens, I'm interested in the way things are developing in Descrow. This is a project that really interested me

I know that they are currently negotiating with exchanges. They wrote in a telegram that not all exchanges that they planned  will be able to add. In this connection, the list is updated.
which exchange are des are planned to be added is there any major exchange descrow will be available in the future. can you add the list of possible exchanges i cant find it on telegram.
Where can we see the list of exchanges on which this coin will be traded? I want to compare where it will be more profitable for me to buy it
full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 103
February 16, 2018, 05:40:52 AM
I'm looking forward to further news of this project, and I'll keep seeing the progress of this thread, Good luck dev.and more success
Even after the end of the sale of the tokens, I'm interested in the way things are developing in Descrow. This is a project that really interested me

Do not rush developers, the platform can really be revolutionary, especially at the current time, when there is a lot of ICO every day! I have not invested in the project, but I will support and promote it as much as possible from my side, and token keep for long!
Moreover, I even think about buying more coins in the near future, it seems to me that I have not enough of them now, it is possible and more
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