However, destruction in the name of the destruction that has occurred, merely an eye for an eye... If that's justice, call me unjust as much as you please. Equality is overrated. Equality for the sake of equality is a farce of crocodile tears and envy. It is merely emotion with only loss for us all.
End the 1% they claim. Redistribute the wealth they say. It would only be so just if they had truly been stolen from. Have the purported victims --the 99%-- been so looted and so raped of this great value they have created; the millions upon millions that are earned by these specialists; by these doctors, lawyers, scientists and technicians that make the so-called 1%? Will the dissolution of their regime of offering highly valuable services to society really make things just or only lead to further destruction?
Hi Atlas, why did you try to change identities again?
Hilarious. This is becoming a sport.