The only thing that surprises me about this is that it took them this long to declare bankruptcy.
This. Pictures don't lie.
The simple fact is Detroit has high property taxes and a 2.5% income tax, while none of the suburbs have any income tax. So anybody who earns income has an incentive to move out of the city, and the only people left are the ones who don't earn any money. Having a city full of unemployed people is a recipe for disaster.
Wow, what brainiac came up with that taxing strategy?
Governments (all governments) are addicted to your money.
It generally starts like this. Government has a "reasonable" (or at least one accepted by populace) tax rate. Boom years come and govt doesn't save that excess tax revenue, or pay down debt, or lower rates to assist economic expansion. No more money means only one thing = MORE MONEYZ TO SPEND!!!!!!!. Some govt will actually not only spend the surplus loot pouring into coffers but then BORROW even more on top of the peaking tax revenue. However they get use to this level of expenditure. Rather than see it as a windfall it becomes the new baseline. Never mind that 10 years ago they govt got along fine with half the revenue this is now the absolute minimum that is "necessary" to keep the govt running.
Then the lean years come. Same rate on less property and income means less tax revenue. Why is the government going to do? Cut spending? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND MAN? The govt is "barely" surviving on the old tax base (no longer seen as a windfall it is the baseline) many in the govt had already planned to increase taxes or borrow more but this fall in revenue well that means there is no choice. So rates go up and people leave (or recession continues) so what is the "only" option? Obviously rates need to go higher and higher and higher and higher and higher.
Chicago is just excessively corrupt. The exact same thing is happening at the federal level right now.