Well... to be more precise, they lost money because they bought it at a certain price and could not sell it for a higher price to someone else. To me that sounds like a conscious decision to make a profit, but failed in the attempt due to bad business judgement or miscalculation. Its just like the real stock market... many people make money, many lose money. How are they "damaging the market" ? I agree coins with innovation gets drowned in the flood of shitcoins... but then again, it just means innovation is being served to a market that does not appreciate innovation. The flood of shitcoins you see is a reflection of the flood of idiots in the market. So what if money exchanges between them? Your ideal scenario of a market where everyone makes money and every coin is an innovative super coin is possible only in a market filled with intelligent people able to recognize innovation. Can you honestly say that is the market we are in?