
Topic: Devtome: Get Hundreds of Thousands of free Devcoins for writing - page 4. (Read 44795 times)

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

I understand that it's hard to get ahead when you are down.

I have had drop shipping websites in the past. They require little to no capital to get going, you just need to buy a domain name and hosting plan such as yahoo. There are cheaper options out there but I'm giving you the easy route to a web checkout. Yahoo overcharges on their domain names so go somewhere else for that like KVC Hosting as one example.

OK if you have a website set up (you can use a template and yahoo e commerce is quite easy to use), with a check out, then you just take orders and accept payments with PayPal. From your PayPal account you order the item they want.

You need this - motivation, free time, modest internet skills (if you can do Devtome you can do this), a phone, and a product to sell.

I sold this product at Christmas's for two years when I was between meaningful work. You can get an account after you set up a basic website, at

Use Google pay per click to get traffic. I'm not sure how the economy is in the US now as I moved, but I started the PPC campaign in late October and finished about December 5th (after that you get stressed out problem customers), and I worked four hours a day on the phone, making $100 an hour average after expenses. This comes to $10,000 for 2-3 months work.

Just a suggestion, and you can read my experiences with it at Devtome here - which is part of this subset of pages


I literally have no money. I have various websites that are not online right now because I cannot afford them. And I can't afford to invest in anything.

I can't use pay per click. I don't have any money. If I could do that, I would have plenty of blog and YouTube traffic to make money. I already have a fair amount of traffic, and that is from sheer elbow greese. Unless I can get clicks for free, I can't do it.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
At one point my mom even made me get a blood test for life insurance. Like she was waiting for me to die.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
And most of this happened because of promises.

All through my child-hood my mom promised me that if I stuck with her, I would never have to worry about anything involving money because she was "working on that" with my step dad, and all we had to do was wait for him to start earning. But that was really just to get child support it seems like now... Which I never saw. We didn't have anything more than the other kids at school, and Child support is like $1,000+ a month right?

When I was like 16-17, my stepdad told me he was going to send me to south America to work for his geological company, but he never did. So I didn't have a job. Then the other of those 2 years, I worked at Albertson's and ended up getting arrested. My parents (who lived in a $1.3 Million  house at the time) were unwilling to get me a lawyer, so I was in jail for like 2 weeks or a month and lost my job.

When I was 18 my mom told me that she was going to send me to community college, but I don't have a car and was living with her and I was never allowed to drive her car. So she didn't take me to registration and I missed it and she acts like I did something to miss it.

Then when I drove to Florida from Colorado she told me all I had to do was find a trade school. Then when I got there she told me to get a job. I ended up homeless. Not a joke. First lived in my car, then got in a wreck and lived at the park.

Then the promises ended:

Then I lived in someone's closet just south of Miami. That is not a joke either, I have videos. My friends car was stolen in this town, and I got 2 murder scenes on video, not the bodies, but the locations, and always the day of.

Then I lived in a 2 person dorm at FIU with 4 black kids, one of them called me "Mr. White man".

Then I lived in Pueblo with some mall rats, and a Filipino guy that was in the army and always had a gun on his hip. Always.

Now I live in the Mexican place.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
And guess what, my mom didn't bring my books today, because she was busy packing for a mini-vacation.

I had 2 bowls of fruit loops today, and that's it.

I'm not saying my parents owe me a golden toilet, and a mattress made of cloud-yarn. But in the age where everyone is a trust fund kid, and only little girls get service desk jobs, and the economy is falling to pieces... It would be cool if maybe my parents could give me $300 a month on a credit card to earn some credit (or if they would have done that when I was 17-18 )...

I'm just completely FUCKED in today's American economy. If it were possible, my family would probably just sell me into slavery. But they can't, so they treat me like a dog and act like I'm spoiled.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

Very unemployed. Nope, no degree. My parents put their money into fun and my sisters education and living style. I don't even have a credit score. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it is non existent.

Is your sister well-off?

Also, take a look at this:

I really think you need to get either a degree, or some sort of trade certification (mechanics, etc.)

Are there any aid programs in your area?

My family is too well off for me to receive aid. I do have a place of residence, which is one of the main qualifications here. You have to be staying on SOMEONE ELSE'S floor.

I can't get a degree without paying for college, same with trade school. And I have ZERO dollars (like $30). I have never had more than $2000 in my life, and that was from writing on Devtome.

Plus, fuck a teacher. I can read these books on my own and get way more from it. I have a list of over 350 books to get, and about 50 of those are text books Smiley

What do you mean?  I've written about 10k words or so and have about 1 BTC from it.
Keep writing and save!

My brother died and it was my sisters birthday, and everyone on here was not trying to be a part of anything I was doing. So I spent the money on stuff for youtube, which will make money in the long run. Stuff for my living brother. And stuff for my sisters birthday.

I had $2,000 in BTC from writing and expected like 4-5 million coins that seemed to never come (I still don't know what happened, they just disappeared or I miscounted).

I thought I would write more, but then I completely got off the internet and just watched TV. But now I am back, and using books as research to write tons of shit.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
BTW, I'm 21. Not even really old enough to have any kind of real degree. But I have only been to a semester of college any ways.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1005

Very unemployed. Nope, no degree. My parents put their money into fun and my sisters education and living style. I don't even have a credit score. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it is non existent.

Is your sister well-off?

Also, take a look at this:

I really think you need to get either a degree, or some sort of trade certification (mechanics, etc.)

Are there any aid programs in your area?

My family is too well off for me to receive aid. I do have a place of residence, which is one of the main qualifications here. You have to be staying on SOMEONE ELSE'S floor.

I can't get a degree without paying for college, same with trade school. And I have ZERO dollars (like $30). I have never had more than $2000 in my life, and that was from writing on Devtome.

Plus, fuck a teacher. I can read these books on my own and get way more from it. I have a list of over 350 books to get, and about 50 of those are text books Smiley

What do you mean?  I've written about 10k words or so and have about 1 BTC from it.
Keep writing and save!
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Thanks to Devtome I've written around 100,000 words in the past few months. If I were to publish, that would be over 300 pages. And I'm not even done.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

Very unemployed. Nope, no degree. My parents put their money into fun and my sisters education and living style. I don't even have a credit score. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it is non existent.

Is your sister well-off?

Also, take a look at this:

I really think you need to get either a degree, or some sort of trade certification (mechanics, etc.)

Are there any aid programs in your area?

My family is too well off for me to receive aid. I do have a place of residence, which is one of the main qualifications here. You have to be staying on SOMEONE ELSE'S floor.

I can't get a degree without paying for college, same with trade school. And I have ZERO dollars (like $30). I have never had more than $2000 in my life, and that was from writing on Devtome.

Plus, fuck a teacher. I can read these books on my own and get way more from it. I have a list of over 350 books to get, and about 50 of those are text books Smiley
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1005

Very unemployed. Nope, no degree. My parents put their money into fun and my sisters education and living style. I don't even have a credit score. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it is non existent.

Is your sister well-off?

Also, take a look at this:

I really think you need to get either a degree, or some sort of trade certification (mechanics, etc.)

Are there any aid programs in your area?
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Personally I believe that starvation can help with creativity. So I try to look at the good side, and I see what I am going through as something like Jesus was going through in the desert. Not exactly the same, but I am basically on a constant (involuntary) fast, and am on that spiritual level at all times.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
And I don't have enough money to eat like a real person, so most of the time I have Ramen 1-2x a day.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I literally live in an apartment where my ass sweats, and I sleep on a mat with a sleeping bag and two blankets in the living room. Because:

1. I don't own a bed.

2. My room has no air conditioner in the wall, so the living room is the only place I can sleep and not wake up in sweat...

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I literally live in an apartment where my ass sweats, and I sleep on a mat with a sleeping bag and two blankets in the living room. Because:

1. I don't own a bed.

2. My room has no air conditioner in the wall, so the living room is the only place I can sleep and not wake up in sweat...

Everyone in the building is Mexican. The parking lot in front of my house is a church, a laundromat, a wendy's and a Mexican night club where they all dress like cowboys. During the day it looks like an abandoned store.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
And I'm sure her place is over $1,000 a month. The place I live right now is $360 a month, plus $40 utilities.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

Very unemployed. Nope, no degree. My parents put their money into fun and my sisters education and living style. I don't even have a credit score. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it is non existent.

Is your sister well-off?

Also, take a look at this:

Well her and my mom would go shopping about 3x a week on average when I lived in Colorado with them, and I literally had about 5 shirts and 4 pairs of pants to my name.

And when my sister came to my Pueblo apartment she had a look of "eeh" almost fear on hear face like "this is so small", then she proceeded to pretend her apartment is much smaller (even though I know her gay room mate would throw a hissy fit to his parents if he had a small apartment)
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I misunderstood. I get what you are saying. That would work.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1005

Very unemployed. Nope, no degree. My parents put their money into fun and my sisters education and living style. I don't even have a credit score. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it is non existent.

Is your sister well-off?

Also, take a look at this:
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
But if those people are just getting paid code simply for coding work they already do, I don't see the problem. I post my stuff to a dev website and then post links to the dev website other places.

If they are just coding for themselves, then why should they get more shares? I should get more shares because I am a blogger right? Or because I am member of various forums across the web where I post things similar to devtome?

I'm not really saying I deserve any more coins, I'm just saying that if they are not participating in Devcoin projects other than the fact that they are coding for free for other websites, then why should they get more shares?

1. It is arguable that either Bitcoin or Open Transactions or both are particularly important/relevant for the devcoin project thus that maybe Gavin and FellowTraveller ought to be able to get away with only putting in ten hours a month without being removed from the list.

2. Instead what we have done in those particular cases is to find a way to direct more devcoins to their projects. Instead of requiring that it is up to them to share out the devcoins among their team members, we have put some of their team members on the list. So basically instead of the project being on the list, with the coins going to the lead developer of the project, those projects are deemed so important that individual team members have been placed on the list. I think both Bitcoin and Open Transactions each thus get about three or four shares of devcoins, one share to each of three or four or so major members of the teams.


1. If number 2 isn't enough for them, then take the projects that are Devcoin related and give them 4x shares since they are doing 10 a week, when they only need 1 a month.

2. And if they are earning coins like that, then maybe just give each member of the team a few more shares.
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1090

But if those people are just getting paid code simply for coding work they already do, I don't see the problem. I post my stuff to a dev website and then post links to the dev website other places.

If they are just coding for themselves, then why should they get more shares? I should get more shares because I am a blogger right? Or because I am member of various forums across the web where I post things similar to devtome?

I'm not really saying I deserve any more coins, I'm just saying that if they are not participating in Devcoin projects other than the fact that they are coding for free for other websites, then why should they get more shares?

Those people are supposedly putting in ten hours a week on their projects.

If they were working directly on projects that devcoin particularly wanted, they could get away with only putting in ten hours a month without being remvoed from the list.

It is arguable that either Bitcoin or Open Transactions or both are particularly important/relevant for the devcoin project thus that maybe Gavin and FellowTraveller ought to be able to get away with only putting in ten hours a month without being removed from the list.

Instead what we have done in those particular cases is to find a way to direct more devcoins to their projects. Instead of requiring that it is up to them to share out the devcoins among their team members, we have put some of their team members on the list. So basically instead of the project being on the list, with the coins going to the lead developer of the project, those projects are deemed so important that individual team members have been placed on the list. I think both Bitcoin and Open Transactions each thus get about three or four shares of devcoins, one share to each of three or four or so major members of the teams.

I don't know how this whole devtome authors mess happened, though I think part of why it is so horrible is the insane 80 shares maximum thing.

Sorry for the double post...  I am too lazy to edit.  Cheesy

Most writers just get 80 in one round from previous works and then burn out later.  I guess 35 shares maximum would be a reasonable alternative.

Any cap would be useful. It would make each share more valuable. That is a great solution. Just don't cap new users at 2-3 shares.

Maybe better would be come up with some nominal number of words that can be taken to on average probably be about an hour of typing/writing, and say that any devtome contributor who posts ten times that many words OR MORE per month can be nominated to be placed on the list.

That would make article-developers who are working specifically on developing articles for devtome just like any other developers who are spending ten hours a month OR MORE on devcoin projects.

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