I look at website and very nice, so more people help this coin maybe get better, but need to tell people about your coin or nobody know and nobody use and coin is died soon.
"why people do these jobs for you" - For me?
"that is in US or something?" - Most of coins doesn't have any live contact chance. Our devs make a thread very rare at here, because they are working on services and we don't have a real PR team.
"but need to tell people about your coin" - Yes, You're right. I'm here to tell You. If You have an idea for a better way, tell me.
"I look at website and very nice" - Thank you in the name of the devs. By the way the main site is a little piece of DGC economy. We are focus to services so I made a list from that for You. This is a coin what will die in your opinion:
Information about Digitalcoin:
Wallets(Win, Mac, Linux, Android):
- http://digitalcoin.co/download.php
- https://www.coinwallet.co - online wallet
- upcoming a new online wallet system from the Foundation
Social media:
- https://www.facebook.com/DigitalCoinDGC
- https://twitter.com/digitalcoindgc
- https://twitter.com/FoundationDGC
- https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/dgc-digitalcoin-30-multi-algorithm-improved-blockchain-storage-released-785601
- http://vk.com/digitalcoin_dgc
- https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#digitalcoin
- https://forum.digitalcoin.co
- https://plus.google.com/communities/110383797828147417859
- http://vk.com/digitalcoin_dgc
- https://noobie.io
- https://cryptocloudhosting.org
- https://www.coinpayments.net/store-directory
- http://cryfter.com
- http://ceuservers.net
- http://btcpipeshop.com
- https://betarigs.com
- http://coinverted.com
- https://www.simrai.com
- https://www.pexpeppers.com
- http://drpecksbees.com
- https://www.bitbill.eu <-- coming soon
- http://dgc.mining.wtf
- http://dgc.cryptopools.com
- http://us.miningfield.com
- http://miner.blue
- http://www.xpool.ca
- https://miningpool.co
- http://dgc-scrypt.hashlink.eu
- http://ipominer.com
- https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/DGC_BTC
- https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-DGC
- http://www.btc38.com/trade_en.html?btc38_trade_coin_name=dgc
- https://bter.com/trade/dgc_btc
- https://bleutrade.com/exchange/DGC/BTC
Block Explorers: