writing article about digitalcoin for our german investors page.
can you pls give me some inside views?
I wrote a thread on the attractive price point of Digitalcoin here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/digitalcoindgc-discussion-info-thread-organic-growth-since-may-2013-800481as for 'inside views' there isn't much that hasn't already been said. Digitalcoin is basically a fair-start crypto that anyone can participate in if they wish, as of now it's openly developed by those who see promise in it. Since it's not being manipulated for profit there isn't much hype around it.
It seems the market cap bottoms out at $100k, right now we're at $200k, so it's a safe investment if one wants to get into crypto. The name brand is important too, "digital coin" is about as literal as it gets. It's up to you to find where value is
Thank you
There's so much history around Digitalcoin, and recent developments have totally transformed the coin and it's community.
Digitalcoin is one of the most mature crypto currencies available today. Launched in May 2013, Digitalcoin quickly amassed a huge following, experienced rapid growth, and exponential increases in value. Several months later there was a severe controversy involving several hundred thousand Digitalcoins that were dumped on the open market, which had a detrimental impact on its value and caused a widespread fallout within the community. The circumstances surrounding this event are still unclear despite community uproar and months of discussion regarding it, and though the specifics are still unknown, of his own admission the source of the influx was the creator and former lead developer, baritus.
On September 8th, 2014, after months of controversy, baritus resigned as lead developer. Code repositories for Digitalcoin, Argentum, and Securecoin, as well as websites, domain names, the main forum, etc, were turned over to the Digitalcoin Foundation. Lead by the President of the Foundation, kenel, and Vice President, Tsquared, selected by an open election on the Digitalcoin forum, a development team was formed and the next chapter has begun.
Today, the development team consisting of ahmedbodi, xawksow, and samson, is preparing the launch of Digitalcoin V3.0. This trio of exceptional individuals form a perfectly cohesive team because of their expertise in different areas of development. Well known and respected, ahmedbodi is a pioneer within the crypto community, and considered one of the top young developers in the field. Xawksow, a native German, has an amazing talent for beautiful user interfaces and an incredible passion for perfection. A hero member on this forum, samson adds solid experience and brings concepts around ancillary blockchain technologies that may possibly be considered groundbreaking once made public.
The diverse global group of businessmen and technical specialists that make up the Digitalcoin Foundation are committed to surpassing the former popularity of Digitalcoin through innovation, honesty, and transparency. With weekly meetings and efforts geared toward development of the Digitalcoin economy as well as the technology, there will certainly be more to come from this group. While there has been little hype and absolutely zero false promises, the Foundation has much in store to bring value for those who invest in Digitalcoin.
Stay tuned!