Hi Dia!
Tried your kernel with the new 7770.. BFI_INT crashes phoenix, so I had to tweak your kernel so it wasn't enabled by default. Getting 148.5MHs at 1000MHz, using VECTORS, this seems to be about the same as I get with phatk unfortunately
I tried to get your kernel to work with Phoenix 2.0 rc1 but when I specify kernel = diakgcn in the config file and try to run it, I get 'failed to load kernel diakgcn'. Any chance of updating your kernel to work with the new phoenix? I get 161MHs using phatk2 and phoenix 2.0rc1 when autoconfigure = enabled, which is the highest I have gotten from this card at stock speed.
Can you tell me, what the device name is for your 7770? It should be displayed, if you use verbose mode with Phoenix (-v as switch in Phoenix 1 and verbose = true for Phoenix 2 in it's config). I don't supply any updates to the Phoenix 1.x version for Phoenix 2 there was a preview release. If you are interested I can put together a package with the last kernel and init for Phoenix 2 and send it to you for testing? That would be no public official release, as I have not done any documentation for the last changes to build a proper changelog.
Oh and did you use VECTORS2, as VECTORS is no supported switch for DiaKGCN!
Thanks for getting back to me Dia,
I would love it if you could send me the latest build to use with Phoenix 2!
Here is the output of Phoenix 1.7.5 using -v and VECTORS2 (VECTORS functions same as VECTORS2 so I guess it just defaults to VECTORS2) with your kernel, (7770 is Capeverde, not sure if that the name you were looking for):
C:\Bitcoin>phoenix.exe -u
[email protected]:
[17/02/2012 11:22:30] using PyOpenCL version 0.92
[17/02/2012 11:22:30] checked nonces per kernel execution: 33554432
[17/02/2012 11:22:30] using VECTORS2, resulting global worksize is: 16777216
[17/02/2012 11:22:30] using local worksize of 128 (HW max. is 256)
[17/02/2012 11:22:30] BFI_INT patching not supported on Capeverde
[17/02/2012 11:22:30] OpenCL >= 1.1 supported, using global offset
[17/02/2012 11:22:31] Phoenix v1.7.5 starting...
[17/02/2012 11:22:32] Connected to server
[17/02/2012 11:22:32] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:22:32] New block (WorkQueue)
[17/02/2012 11:22:32] Currently on block: 167217
[17/02/2012 11:22:32] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:22:56] positive nonce (lo - 1): 2985823925
[17/02/2012 11:22:57] Result 0000000068f61663... accepted
[17/02/2012 11:23:05] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:23:27] positive nonce (hi - 1): 3409286864
[17/02/2012 11:23:28] Result 00000000e79cdf84... accepted
[17/02/2012 11:23:33] positive nonce (lo - 1): 4227931077
[17/02/2012 11:23:34] Result 00000000d6000f90... accepted
[17/02/2012 11:23:34] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:23:35] positive nonce (lo - 1): 171201403
[17/02/2012 11:23:36] Result 00000000b0162afe... accepted
[17/02/2012 11:24:03] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:24:15] positive nonce (hi - 1): 1829993980
[17/02/2012 11:24:15] Result 000000006309b5fd... accepted
[17/02/2012 11:24:31] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:25:00] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[17/02/2012 11:25:16] positive nonce (hi - 1): 1405120782
[17/02/2012 11:25:17] Result 000000005a4c086c... accepted
[150.81 Mhash/sec] [6 Accepted] [0 Rejected] [RPC (+LP)]
150MH/s is while clocked at 1240 MHZ