For example, a pollutive factory might produce a desirable product. Perhaps only the people living downstream suffer from the pollution. They complain to a court that rules in their favor, but the factory does not comply. The downstream people, as their only non-violent recourse, boycott the factory and ostracize its workers. However, these actions affect no change because the upstream people would rather have the factory's desirable products than support their downstream brethren. The downstream people can now either put up with the pollution, flee, or attempt to shut down the factory with violence, potential instigating a war with the upstream people. Unless the upstream people choose to aid their neighbors over materialism, the issue escalates to violence.
If this society had a state however, the court could coerce the factory into compliance from the outset, preluding a violent confrontation from the start.
Just trying to understand anarchy better.
But I know what you mean.
I once wrote something about it, but it's in Portuguese, you may check if an auto translation is understandable: