Swapping Bitcoin to Monero is some times cheaper. You have some Instant Swap Centralized Exchanges asking for 0.5 percent fee. For small to moderate amounts of Bitcoin swapped, that is pretty decent. I have seen some Mixers ask for absurd fees before.
It is also possible to swap to Monero and after the swap Bitcoin price decreases, Monero price increases. It could balance the amount you lost on Fees or even earn you more. Of course. The opposite can happen any time too.
Point is. Do not choose convenience. Choose what is more important to you. Using Closed Source or Open Source. Finding a Decentralized or Centralized way to go. There are options, still.
You think ease of use means more Privacy? The official Monero Wallet is fully Open Source. Mixers are not. This makes Monero a MUCH better alternative if we compare Closed vs Open Source.