I mined some DBG short after the coin launch. These coins where sent to my core wallet I had synced up (on my previous pc).
Yesterday I decided to check out my DGB wallet and reinstalled the core wallet on my new pc.
Core started syncing, and showed the transaction history right away. I decided to check my balance through Digiexplorer, to see a 0 balance and no transaction history.
I'm sure the transactions did confirm back then. This is already unusual, but I decided to wait till core has synced passed the transaction dates.
Core has now synced passed Jan 1st 2017, but still shows all transactions (early 2014) as unconfirmed.
The transaction details all show "unknown" as the "from" address, and all transaction ID's lead nowhere on the block explorer(s).
Anyone can tell me what happened here?
Addy: DGgyzYHrPjFskdRrf5RZz4shm6aEbjJupJ
Digiexplorer: https://digiexplorer.info/address/DGgyzYHrPjFskdRrf5RZz4shm6aEbjJupJ
Core transaction history: https://imgur.com/AYX7jyB
How old is your wallet? There has been a few releases and some hard forks. If you don't have the most up to date wallet that might be the issue?
I downloaded the latest core version from the website yesterday.