At our office we have a 100TB document archive and a 150TB archived archive. Imagine that being in digusign, all members having to store a copy of that
Beats me what the incentives are for doing that
A TB of storage isn't what it used to be. The incentive is that documents are stored on the block chain, everyone has a copy, but only you can access it, and if you're system crashes, there are endless secure back ups. Security and storage. Quit being a hater.
How would this work with thousands of companies having 100TB of storage......the initial setup would leave you syncing the rest of your life. Aside of your own data storage, the actual 100TB, you also need to store all data from all other people turning all these 1000 companies in storage datacenters all requiring to be interconnected with direct fiber channel connections.
Oh wait.....centralization is the solution. Private small incompany blockchain. There is no need for decentralisation because it's highly inefficient.
You're seriously fudding 100TB of storage for major corporations? Even if the cost is $100k for storage, it is a huge hedge against the potential loss of documents that could be worth billions. And the wallet syncs within a few hours, faster with a bootstrap file.
Your hating on DGB is getting transparent. I can see you're in with another coin/token and are getting nervous that DGB may actually be the next BTC.
There is no potential loss with the example mentioned above. Cross synced between 3 locations and finished. Really no need to have, in the example of 1000 companies with each 100TB of data, 1000000 TB of useless blockchain data sitting around in your datacenter. Will sync very fast
We see that with current blockchain sizes. Sometimes takes days. And then we're talking about 350Gb. Really 0 usecase. Maybe small private integration....but nothing to do with a public blockchain with tradeable token. A decentralized database where a central database is all you need.
It's a fantasy. Oh yeah and just frame FUD. Everybody seems to stick their head in the sand
3 locations, cross synced running the same software vulnerable if one goes down or gets a virus or is attacked. Compared to a potential 100k locations, running different software and not directly connected, allowing multiple layers of protection. Yep, no usecase there.
Right now, I can download a wallet and be synced in a couple hours, max. And I have a standard US cable modem. A company wth a dedicated fiber line? No way it will take days. And to assume there will be no advance in making the block sizes take less storage space or that storage space will only get more expensive is not logical. New storage solutions are coming out constantly.
Hate all you want. Since you're here, I imagine you have something. So, what is your preferred coin/token?
dude no need to talk with him, it wasting time, he didnt know about blockchain, node, soft fork, hard fork, how it work, what is function, and absolutely he didnt know anything about smartcontract, Just boast he works in the finance. everything you say is useless
But what makes me laugh is, he's still here to look and watch even though hate digibyte very much. I know, people will be afraid and hate something he doesnt understand