Who sets the price of the crypto, its not logic to me.
There are lot of new things happend to digibyte for sample, digibyte released segwith, Digibyte is a faster coin than Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other coins. Digibyte has a great dev team, they work very hard to make the coin better, and dont forget Digusign and there new roadmap.
Why is digibyte coin so undervalued? There are a lot of new coins with a startprice more than 1 dollar, 3 dollars, 5 dollars. Its not only the circulationsupply and there roadmap.
Digibyte is a very good solid coin, with a good developteam.
Its NOT important that digibyte wins prices at the citybank final. The most important things are building up a good network!!!
Dont forget, there are a lot of companys, investors at the presentations!
All the people who are negative about Digibyte, Sell your digibyte and move on, we dont need you or your money.
To all the negative people who talks bullshit about Digibyte, do you think you can be rich in one day or month?
If you lost some money that is the risk you have to take like everybody here!
Do you think you can win a lot of money when you go to a casino? Sell and move on!!!
For the good people, for the holders, for the investors, for the buyers.
Beleave in Digibyte and hold your coins for at least one year, Digibyte is very cheap at the moment, compare it with other coins.
Give Digibyte the time to develop and if you can, buy more and stay positif.
Only positif people will survive and make a lot of money.
Who cares about moving shit from A to B faster then somebody else moving his shit from A to B.
Digibyte has no usecase. That is the main problem. Furthermore they only have half baked projects that hit the wall. Look at the language you use. Reminds me of Aldous Huxley's 1984 minstery of truth statements