Status: 2/unconfirmed, broadcast through 1 node
Date: 12.08.2016 09:42
Debit: 0.00 CUBE
Transaction fee: -136242.70 CUBE
Retained amount: 922210.55 CUBE until 58 more blocks
Transaction ID: 5d48eb921e8e5618422df8a83286519a260ab95cae9bdbd049f4acb711cac6f7
Transaction fee: -135700.20 CUBE
Retained amount: 921571.10 CUBE until 59 more blocks
Transaction ID: 6b0e2628e6812c7495aef939c536f8060598bcb2e47bef8e595ec413573fff4f
Can't even recombine them cus they in stack lock
I don't care but I want my darn coins back!!!
Firstly, do you understand that you need more than 10M Cubes for each recombine? Your inputs are about 1M, this is why you are negative staking.
So... do NOT unlock your wallet for minting, until you have 10M + CUBES in one or more Transaction Inputs