Back End Story:I love watching social media a lot. Whether it is my university free time or part time job I know thing for sure, even with the gap of 5 minutes I would just grab my phone out of my pocket and start watching the videos on YT or may be checkout some quick Reels on the Instagram. Call me social nerd but thats what it is.
Now, coming to the topic: Whenever I am touching my phone and accessing these social platforms, there is someone in the world who is getting paid for it! Within that 5 minutes of time there are at least 4-5 advertisements of 20-30 seconds which will be played by platforms like YouTube, Instagram, FB, and basically everything that's digital.
Whether I watch the advertisements or not, whether I skip them or not, someone is always getting paid, someone is always seeing their revenue go boom on a platform just because of my spare time and those 5 minutes.
Front End StoryAs we know all, there are millions of advertisments are running on these platforms all the time throughout the world.
YouTube has 113.9 million YouTube channels as of July 29, 2022. Only 4.4% of the 2.6 billion active YouTube users created their own YouTube channel.
Source [unverified]Just checkout only the number of active channels on YT which are getting paid with their generated revenue.
Since these are digital platforms then wouldn't it be sensible to add Bitcoin as digital currency to get paid or lets say to buy premium subscriptions and much more!
We already have wallets with instant payment capabilities and it takes really short time to have 1 confirmation these days. With the third party applications its even faster to pay instantly or get paid instantly.
The volume that is transferred everyday on the internet is really huge, and instead of getting paid with normal payment processors which also takes up lot of verifications stages one can easily start getting paid with bitcoin.
Collaboration with platforms like YouTube, Instragram/Facebook is astounding to imagine. Why are they lagging behind the sole idea of it?
Where is the spark of Google, the out of the box thinking and the world which they always think beyond imagination?