Lol @ people who think FIAT is a good investment.
So what I see here is someone telling me I shouldn't save my own bitcoin/gold/silver for retirement, I should convert it to FIAT and let it depreciate 1.5% per year until I retire (remember, OFFICIAL gov't inflation figures, like in argentina
) or invest it in a third party like a stock (Lehman Bros or Bear Stearns, for instance) or the social security system (sponsored by a government that is FINANCIALLY INSOLVENT AND APPROACHING BANKRUPTCY)
I cannot BELIEVE I am hearing this.
Most of this thread reads like occupy wall st. crap or people who don't understand the mechanics of money.
Wait, wait, so one of you tell me this: Do you believe the official government inflation figures, and base your evaluation of the USD's investment risk on that?
What else, oh yeah, people think investments are bad because they gain value without you contributing to society actively...
How stupid is this? Ok, so I put my FIAT into some sort of retirement scheme which is apparently the only way to save money without being an evil capitalist. So it gets some ridiculous amount like 3% interest per year - meanwhile, real inflation might be something like 10-15% so I am actually losing quite a bit by the time I retire. But by your official gov't figures, I am making 1.5% per year and that's ok, but if I invest in bitcoin and make 1000% per year for a few years until it reaches saturation and levels out, I am an evil cpaitalist?
What if my retirement fund invests in something like apple stock when it is worth barely nothing, then I see 800% ROI and I am set for retirement? IS that OK because I am being a good girl and buyign into your fiat scheme where the potential for tiny profit is OK but the potential for big profit is bad if it's not by accident, because I am not physically contributing to society?
This whole thread is a bucket of hogwash. Take your Paul Krugman Ben Bernanke socialist fiat occupy wall st. theories elsewhere, bitcoin is too good for you
If you want to be a slave to the federal reserve, do it, just don't try to sell me cockamamey theories about my contribution to society and how all money should be inflationary cuz deflation = bad cuz paul krugman said people don't spend deflationary money (gold silver and bitcoins are three excellent counter examples.) and how I should invest fiat into a financially insolvent government's social security scheme and watch it lose money and not be adjusted for real inflation and in the meantime used to kill little kids in pakistan with ObamaDrones.