Rather than trying to bludgeon theymos into re-purposing this forum, it would be better if those who believe more moderated or more "professional" forums are needed set about creating an online presence which reflects their own vision.
Good point, that kind of things failed in the past through.
The BTC-community seems want to stick together.
Disallow Scams and Ponzi Schemes in the Forum rules
OK: All scams are hereby disallowed by the forum rules. I trust that all forum users will respect this rule and refrain from scamming in the future.
I'd rather let hundreds of scam threads exist than remove one non-scam thread by accident. Maybe someone will figure out how to legitimately pay 7% interest weekly someday; who knows? It's not the place of moderators to decide which products/investments are good and which are bad. Buyers must decide for themselves who to trust.
I was hoping you being affected by GLBSE makes you more receptible to the issues.. (Yes I get the point of that being legimate in it's own.)
But there were tons of stuff on there where it was fairly obvious.
The one falsely removed legimate thread is can be protested on by the OP. Yes that results in even more work, I know...
Here's an example of someone new who didn't understand what a scammer tag meant and sent coins to a now-outed scam service where the operator has run:
If he doesn't notice a scammer tag then he's not going to notice that the thread is in a scammer section. Making scammers' posts stand out more will just give them the power to annoy people with their bright posts, and it will discourage them from being constructive forum members (as a few scammers have been). And someone that careless is eventually going to get scammed anyway.
Yes, and if a more agressive approach were taken that would be preventable. It's less work for a few mods to remove a thread and ban the potential scammer than for the scammer to create a new emal adress, and a new story and identity.
I'd volunteer if I hadn't that Orange Ignore Button™.