No one's forcing you to use Bitcoin you halfwit, it's purely optional, however we're all being forced to use the current paper money system, if you don't pay into the system you'd go to jail and it's no good telling us to leave because the planet is too small and we haven't mastered space flight yet. What particularly pisses me off is the way the 'Bitcoin' foundation has tried to hijack this currency instead of just making their own one and establishing their own rules about the currency, that would be a better use of everyone's time.
People like you try to preach about not forcing things on others but when it comes to your own beliefs your more than happy to use the very same methods while completely ignoring the fact that you're doing it. Get rid of the 'with us or against us' attitude and maybe people might be feeling more diplomatic with your sort of ideology, this is also a brilliant example of why everyone hates America currently, even other Americans.