OK, just to clarify that we are all running these boards using the correct settings.
Having re-visited the cgminer site, I established that the --bmsc-options switch takes the following parameters:
--bmsc-options baud:miners:asic:timeout:freqThe parameter names are self explanatory, though I decided to take it upon myself to define
miners as the number of boards; Thus, revisiting the Antminer S1 FAQ pdf file, I gleaned the settings for different hex frequencies / timeouts and added the respective string to the startup of cgminer (I am using version 3.8.5 under windows, but the same string should work on any platform).
Frequency | Initialisation string |
200MHz | --bmsc-options 115200:1:32:94:0581 --lowmem |
225MHz | --bmsc-options 115200:1:32:63:0881 --lowmem |
250MHz | --bmsc-options 115200:1:32:56:0981 --lowmem |
275MHz | --bmsc-options 115200:1:32:51:0A81 --lowmem |
300MHz | --bmsc-options 115200:1:32:47:0B81 --lowmem |
400MHz | --bmsc-options 115200:1:32:35:4F81 --lowmem |
The frequencies / initialisation strings are by no means exhaustive, more importantly, the above initialisation strings assume you have one board connected! If you have more than one board, then change the number to match, i.e running 3 boards with the 400MHz string, change to:
--bmsc-options 115200:
3:32:35:4F81 --lowmem
I also wonder whether we can run a couple (maybe more) in parallel / serial off one connector by changing the number of asics, i.e, for the 400MHz string, rather than change the board number to 3, change the asics number multiplied by 3 e.g --bmsc-options 115200:1:
96:35:4F81 --lowmem