
Topic: Do Banks fear cryptocurrency - page 35. (Read 17113 times)

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Activity: 448
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January 24, 2018, 12:38:12 AM
do banks fear cryptocurrency? yes of coarse people today are now switching their investment in crypto and if all people withdraw all their accounts in the banks, there will be bankruptcy in the world of bankong and people are working there will be jobless if that will happen..people found cryptocurrency more secure and almost impossible to hack also they like the idea of the secrecy in cypto.
full member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 162
January 24, 2018, 12:14:56 AM
I think not all banks fear cryptocurrency one of my local bank announces that they are launching their own blockchain payment system for businesses and I think this is a good start for us, banks are slowly adapting cryptocurrency.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 12:03:16 AM
Bank fears bitcoin yes, because more people are switching from banks to bitcoin. Its a threat to their saving and lending since they make money circulate through that.Cryptocurrencies were the financial support system of the future, because for the growing community advancement is a must. The recent cause of downfall too is also an impact of the fear from the banking community.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 100
January 24, 2018, 12:01:17 AM
I think too many banks are afraid of crypto currency because they know that they are the current trend and most people online are using crypto streams rather than existing banking transactions because crypto costs are lower than banks that have higher costs Cool
Activity: 66
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 11:53:20 PM
Yep, here we are, at the stage that the bank and regulator are fearful of the uncertainty. Next stage: ADOPTION.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 114
January 23, 2018, 11:51:12 PM
Not only the bank of albania but there are couple of other banks too which have earlier warned about the cryptocurrencies and clearly stated that they do not encourage trading in them by any means. And they see cryptocurrencies as a threat to their economy. But we still are permitted to use or trade with them as doing so is not banned or illegal.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 267
January 23, 2018, 11:42:01 PM
They are certainly afraid of the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies. They're a threat to them because they earn less money. In addition, more and more people become independent from banks through cryptocurrencies.
You're right people who are using cryptocurrencies are becoming independent because they are the one who is handling their own money unlike with banks who controls it and have a lot of rules just for you to get your own money out of it.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 09:34:53 PM
Yes! If I own a bank I will sell it immediately for bitcoin ahahh  Grin
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 09:28:04 PM
Its funny, I was chewing the fat with a banker friend of mine the other day, and I inquired about his thoughts on bitcoin along with how many customers ask the same questions on a weekly basis.  His management team has instructed their employees to never discuss Bitcoin with customers in the building.  When asked why, his manager said that it will be a dying fad and be gone by next year.

I asked if I could buy his boss lunch next year.  I plan on paying in Bitcoin =P
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 09:18:47 PM
If it’s the first case where both currencies coexist, banks do not need to fear. However I doubt its happening. Majority is getting attracted towards crypto currencies and that’s a bad news for banks and governments.The people have seen their dubious and greedy ways and are rather investing into cryptos, they are even gaining huge profits by buying and hoarding, profits that not even banks have ever given them in their entire lives.
Activity: 67
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 08:46:39 PM
There are two different things.
If bitcoin is valid in the government or there is no objection from the government. And there is a bank of bitcoin, bitcoin because it will be broken into decentralized pattern because it does not control by government anymore. It is a good thing not to control the government. I think so
full member
Activity: 161
Merit: 101
January 23, 2018, 08:40:46 PM
Definitely Yes, they see cryptocurrencies of being a threat to them because they can't manipulate and control the price especially Bitcoin. There is a case in the Philippines that a user bank account has been ordered to be close by the management of the bank because it has a transaction of Bitcoin. When the user complain about it that there is not a law about forbidding to use a Bitcoin in the Philippines and talk to the manager of the bank, the manager tell the user that it was ordered by the BSP or the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas to close the account of the ones that has Bitcoin transactions in their account.
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Activity: 378
Merit: 100
When Football meets Crypto
January 23, 2018, 01:50:05 PM
Yesterday the Central Bank of Albania issued a warning about the uncertain and unsafe nature  of cryptocurrencies
They called on people not to get involved. Should we be afraid or the banks are!

This banks are jealous of cryptocurrency because they are losing their investors and it will lead them to lose a huge amount of profit. This is just the same in other countries, governments are avoid cryptocurrency because they are corrupted and scared if all of the people will become wealthy and they cannot steal cash.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 01:48:16 PM
B ceти пoявляeтcя вce бoльшe и бoльшe выcкaзывaний знaмeнитыx людeй пo пoвoдy кpиптoвaлют. A в нeдaвнeм интepвью кaнaдo-aмepикaнcкий aктёp Киaнy Pивз paccкaзaл o cвoeм oтнoшeнии к кpиптoвaлютaм:

Oн cчитaeт, чтo кpиптoвaлюты, тaкиe кaк Биткoин и Эфиpиyм, мoгyт пoлнocтью yничтoжить «Hoвый миpoвoй пopядoк».

53-лeтнeмy aктepy были зaдaны вoпpocы o бyдyщeм цифpoвыx вaлют, тaкиx кaк Биткoйн в нeдaвнeм интepвью, нa чтo oн oтвeтил:

«Биткoйн – этo нe кpaткocpoчнaя тeндeнция, и этo вoлнyeт элитy»,

«Люди ycтaли oт кoнтpoля Hoвoгo Mиpoвoгo Пopядкa, видя, кaк бoгaтыe cтaнoвятcя бoгaчe, a бeдныe cтaнoвятcя бeднee».

«Биткoйн вoзвpaщaeт влacть людям, и этo, вepoятнo, пpивeдeт к paзpyшeнию Hoвoгo Mиpoвoгo Пopядкa».

Гoлливyдcкaя звeздa aнти-иcтeблишмeнтa гoвopит, чтo oн cчитaeт, чтo «биткoйн – этo пyть к cвoбoдe» и yтвepждaeт, чтo oн «ocвoбoдит гpaждaн oт экoнoмичecкиx oкoв Hoвoгo Mиpoвoгo Пopядкa».

B oтличиe oт oбычныx вaлют, кpиптoвaлюты являютcя дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoй вaлютoй, чтo oзнaчaeт, чтo oни paбoтaют бeз цeнтpaльнoгo бaнкa. Heдaвний peзкий pocт cтoимocти биткoйнoв нaчaл бecпoкoить кpyпныe финaнcoвыe инcтитyты, кoтopыe тeпepь cчитaют цифpoвyю вaлютy cepьeзнoй yгpoзoй иx cyщecтвoвaнию.

Гypy интepнeт-бeзoпacнocти Джoн MaкAфи пooбeщaл, чтo ecли к 2020 гoдy cтoимocть Биткoйнa нe дocтигнeт 1 миллиoнa дoллapoв, тo oн «cъecт cвoй coбcтвeнный члeн в пpямoм эфиpe».

Пo cлoвaм Киaнy Pивзa, pacпpocтpaнeниe Биткoйнa вызoвeт вceмиpнyю peвoлюцию, кoтopaя пoлoжит кoнeц тиpaнии Hoвoгo Mиpoвoгo Пopядкa:

“Bпepвыe в иcтopии y людeй ecть peaльный шaнc взять влacть y пpaвитeльcтв.”

«Кoгдa oбщecтвo выбepeт кpиптoвaлютy, пpaвитeльcтвo, цeнтpaльнaя бaнкoвcкaя cиcтeмa, экoнoмичecкoe paбcтвo, в кoтopoм oни пpoцвeтaют, вce этo зaкoнчитcя.

«Пpaвитeльcтвa бepyт дeньги y бaнкoв для финaнcиpoвaния вoйн, a зaтeм вoзвpaщaют c нaлoгoв гpaждaн. Mы мoжeм, нaкoнeц, зaкoнчить этoт цикл и вepнyть влacть людям, paз и нaвceгдa. Этo cвepнeт бaнки, a вмecтe c ними и глoбaльнyю элитy. Пpaвитeльcтвa бyдyт вынyждeны paбoтaть для людeй для пepeмeн. Mы нaxoдимcя нa пopoгe peвoлюции».
full member
Activity: 364
Merit: 100
January 23, 2018, 01:47:37 PM

I think that the positioning of each central bank varies in each country, because I have seen that the FED has not taken with excessive suspicion the current relevance of bitcoin, however it is natural to advise citizens to be alert to the possibility of suffering eventual losses before the great volatility that characterizes cryptos. These types of positions seem natural to me, and even demonstrate a greater openness to change by not openly censuring the use of bitcoin
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 01:45:51 PM
Yes because nowadays more people pulled out there savings ang invest in crypto currencies.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
January 23, 2018, 01:28:45 PM
Bitcoin is much famous right now. many peoples showing there interest in bitcoin. bitcoin is the great example of an emerging technology network with potential. bitcoin is the big competitor for banks right now. many peoples investing their money in bitcoin instead of banks because it is digital currency which is easy to trade and it has high security of the block chain technology. there are some banks who afraid of this technology because day by day cryptocurrency getting very popular.
Activity: 252
Merit: 17
January 21, 2018, 05:46:31 AM
Somehow Yes, crypt like bitcoin is a competitor of banks. It is because instead that people will invest in bank they are now investing in crypto. That is why some countries are making bad impression in cryptos, because the banks are asking the help of the government in misleading the people about cryptos. The I read some articles that some banks are now accepting bitcoin, well if we can see this will also a additional income to them because as we all know now a days many people are patronizing cryptos.
full member
Activity: 321
Merit: 100
Token That Will Transform The Venture Capital Mark
January 21, 2018, 05:30:32 AM
Yesterday the Central Bank of Albania issued a warning about the uncertain and unsafe nature  of cryptocurrencies
They called on people not to get involved. Should we be afraid or the banks are!

Yes banks and central banks are afraid of cryptocurrencies. I understand Central banks make this type of announcements because some people buy cryptocurrencies with bank loans and may end up bankrupted if they invest in wrong time into wrong cryptocurrency.

But some banks such as JP Morgan makes negative announcements because they really afraid of this technology.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
January 21, 2018, 05:21:00 AM
Banks are fear of crypto because of the high security of block chain technology. Electronic money is very easy to trade compared to cash.
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