Yes, without boubt.
If you are lucky enough to find the right coin you can buy one house with one signature. (Atleast one medium house 100k-150K € here in Italy on small town)
Last example is this one but now after my report of mass abusing the spreadsheet it's gone.
The coin already did +1500% since ICO
The bounty was 1.2M usd so even with a 20% for signature (I don't know the real value) someone with high rank now has probably (with the +1500%) more than 20/50k.
Remember it's really hard to find the good coin, you need to be lucky.
Just one thing first: bounty earners are people.
Bounty hunt is like investment, but you invest your time and your assets and work (your twitter account, friends in facebook, your rank in Bitcointalk,...) . And, in the same way as investment it can go x100 or can go x.001
I know the OP is asking an average, but is extremely variable when you think of an individual. That is, you can do 6 to 8 campaigns a year and is not unlikely that...
- One of them is a scam (Dencity, Symmetry fund,... you name it)
- Another gets postponed for months (goNetwork, XYO,...)
- Another one attracts institutional investments and does not nee ICO (lendoit, theta token,...)
- Another one does not reach soft cap (most this year)
- Another one gets a ridiculous amount (most this year)
- Another one asks for a KYC after the promotion has been done (Medichain). Would you put your docs online for 100 USD?
- Another has a poor bounty manager and does not count properly you stakes (Loyak).
- Another one gets assaulted by 100 suspicious Jr members of Bitcointalk.
- Another does not cap the number of hunters and you get almost nothing (BABB)
I think you get the point - that's the life of a bounty hunter.
So people do tell you about their good times, but they tend to hide the miseries of bounty hunting. Without a careful study, my feeling about the average, non-rocket catching hunter would be, per year in USD for signatures only:
- Jr Member 400 to 800
- Member 2000 to 5000
- Full / Senior 8000 to 10000
- Legendary 10000 to 25000
But... and this is a big issue, that is at ICO price. Then it comes the multiplying effect of the market. During 2017 it was wild and bounties were also wild. This year is s*it and the results are usually poor. Many ICOs serve the bounty hunters last, sometime a month after investors, so you always get the worst market price.
(Note: I have not participated personally on all these, but I do follow the bounty channels.)