Trading and invest in gambling bankroll is far different. In trading you can use even minimum amount to earn more profit (depends on your trading skill). Invest in gambling bankroll is same as you gambling, because the profit is depends on how much people lost, if more people win your funds will decrease even become zero. Use small capital to invest in gambling bankroll is waste money, you will run out of fund very quickly.
Yes, I understood this when I found out how long it will take for my money to be returned in the best-case scenario. And then if one invested in some very popular casino's bankroll, say, 0.1btc, one will earn around 0.06 per year! So, it's a lot better to learn some trading stuff and try buying and selling currencies. The money can be returned in a few days if everything goes well. But you have to spend some time regularly on checking the prices. And, of course, it is a lot more risky than investing in known casinos. So, I guess, if one has at least 1btc to invest or trade, it is better to invest.