The last time Bitcoin "failed" was the fork last year. The only crypto that gained any traction from that was Litecoin - the number 2 crypto. Of course that was last year and 800 new altcoins have been released since then, but only about 7 of the alts have any development or volume to put them anywhere close to litecoin, let alone Bitcoin.
more like 4k altcoin, hash been released, probably even more, this if we count every shit launched
Those having the programming skills are free to make as many altcoins as they want, but the point I don't understand is why people invest in those shitcoins...
Progamming skills aren't even necessary anymore. There's a website on which you can easily build your own altcoins, if I recall correctly it costs only about 0.02 BTC
it was higher before, now is cheap because no one care about releasing garbage anymore