Bitcoin is a currency started by developers that were interested in the idea of sending online payment without a central authority that would check the accounts. The idea and the whole thing (with Satoshi Nakamoto, blockchain technology etc) inspired many people to use it. And some of them, worked on it. Due to this big adoption and fixed supply, bitcoin went to moon. At least for a while, but it did. And right now it is high as well.
Well, do we need it? Because, I can see that people use it only as an investment or as a money laundering tool. Black markets rebornt after the creation of bitcoin. I tried to convince someone to use it, but you know what? I couldn't. Why? Well, honest people don't afraid the central authority, in addition with the dishonest ones. Those who want something that is illegal, cannot do that. So they use bitcoin.
Governments don't want it and they wish they could prevent it, because they cannot track you easily, they cannot tax you, they ..., they ..., they...
Governments like censorship, and there is 0% censorship on bitcoin.
I like bitcoin, a lot. But I don't think that this world needs it. Except if they want to hide something. Prove me wrong.
It seems you have already fixed your mind so I am not going to waste any time trying to prove you wrong, however people are not afraid of central authorities on the west because for the most part they have been doing a a great job at hiding from their population what they are doing with the economy, but once this is over, and believe me at some point it will be over, people will see why we need something like bitcoin but at that time it will be too late for them to protect themselves and their capital.